Sermons → Will Curtis
Termites In Our Foundations
PART 2 OF 2, Page 2
The fact is: You can freely accept CHRIST as your LORD but you can also FREELY return like 'a dog to its vomit' and go back to your sinful life APART from CHRIST! UNREPENTED SIN in our lives will OPEN MORE DOORS FOR OTHER SPIRITS which will continually try to tempt and drawl us BACK into darkness.
If you find yourself cursing or looking lustily at other people and do NOT repent for it (make a decision to turn away from that sin) ask FORGIVENSS for it in JESUS' name and command those spirits to leave you then they will 'snowball.' Demons are set up in 'related spirits groupings.' Lets say you give into pornography or other lusts then their 'associates' will try to tempt you and join them such as perversion, adultery, sodomy, incest, rape, homosexuality and all the others.
JUST like the people described in Matthew 7:21-24(verse 21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
(verse 22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
(verse 23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
(verse 24) Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.Matthew 7 verses 21-24
there are many today who serve GOD with everything they have. They read the word, pray for the sick, cast out demons, intercede for others, prophesy, speak in tongues BUT THEY HAVE HIDDEN SINS!!!! Either the sins are just HIDDEN from all other people OR they are BURIED DEEP INSIDE. THESE ARE THE TERMITES IN THE FOUNDATION!
We just DENY that we are still hurt from things that happened in our lives. WE DISASSOCIATE from the pain and act like it isn't there. GOD even tells us NOT to take communion without forgiving those who hurt us. (Read Part 1 of this teaching for the scriptures)
BITTERNESS, UNFORGIVENESS, ANGER, RAGE and ANGER AT GOD are the TERMITES IN THE FOUNDATION. Often we are not aware they are there and HOW DEEP THE ROOTS are. In my ministry I teach people to tear out the roots which go deep into the body. The longer you give into a specific sin (especially issues of the heart) the DEEPER the roots are.
As discussed in Part 1 GOD KNOWS OUR HEARTS so when JESUS says "I knew you not' HE doesn't mean HE is totally numb to your existence or that you existed. HE is saying HE did not know you in PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP and you were separated by the HIDDEN SINS (termites) in your heart and life. If your heart is FULL OF ANGER, BITTERNESS, ANGER AT GOD or other sinful thoughts/feelings/sins it is offensive to GOD.
The things that HOLD US in the deepest bondage are always HIDDEN IN DARKNESS. Those who DO know the sin is there are too ashamed and feel too GUILTY to admit it. THEREFORE there can be no freedom!!! SHAME AND GUILT ARE 2 MAJOR TOOLS OF SATAN! SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS and the spirits of PRIDE make it even MORE complex to admit the darkness and seek help breaking the bondage that holds them.
If You want to Deal with the Issues of the Heart
These sins of the heart/mind SEPARATES US FROM BEING ABLE TO COMMUNE WITH GOD! As you deal with these things you will find your relationship with GOD as well as other people will GREATLY improve! You will be more able to ACCEPT LOVE and to GIVE LOVE without painful memories burning in your heart.
Below I will give you a PRAYER to do to deal with the issues mentioned above. FOR MANY OF YOU THIS will mean dealing with painful things from CLEAR BACK in your childhood and will almost always involved parents/grandparents/siblings or someone you THOUGHT was your 'best friend'.
The prayer below will deal with the 'Walls of Protection' we build around our hearts to keep ANYONE ELSE FROM GETTING CLOSE ENOUGH TO HURT US EVER AGAIN!
We will also deal with INNER VOWS which were promises we MADE TO OURSELVES in our time of pain to NEVER OPEN UP AND RISK ANYONE HURTING US LIKE THAT AGAIN!
Prayer to Break Issues of the Heart
(Confess out loud)
"Father GOD, I forgive all those who have done wrong to my family and myself which may have caused unforgiveness, anger, guilt, rejection, fear, murder, hatred of men, self- hatred, coveting, vengeance, abandonment, fear of abandonment, fear of rejection, jealousy and bitterness in my heart. I forgive all those who may have intentionally or un-intentionally caused me, my family or anyone I care about pain, hurt, rejection, fear or that may have gossiped about us, stolen from us, used us, abused us, lied about us or in any way wronged us.
I refuse to hold those sins in my heart and to let the pain destroy me. As I forgive all those people for everything they did to me and those I love just like JESUS did I release the bad memories and the pain to GOD. I refuse to hold bitterness, unforgivness, anger, rejection or any other ungodly feelings against these people. I now release all unforgiveness, bitterness, rejection, vengance and anger out of my heart and ask GOD to fill those places with LOVE for those people. I ask you LORD to deal with their hearts and bring them into YOUR kingdom.
I ask YOU, FATHER GOD, in JESUS' name, to forgive those who did wrong to my family those I love and to me. I ask YOU to convict them of all sins that seperate them from you.
Now, I ask all those people who I have held unforgiveness and bad feelings against, alive and dead, to forgive me. I am sorry and repent. I forgive them and I ask them to forgive me. I also ask them to forgive me for things I have said or done to them in the past out of my bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, rejection, self-pity or vegenance.
I repent and ask you to please forgive me FATHER, in JESUS' name for any cursing I may have done and for allowing bitterness, anger, rejection, unforgiveness, jealousy, vengeance and any other sin into my heart and to manifest in my life.
FATHER GOD please forgive me, in JESUS name, for SELF-HATRED, UNFORGIVENESS and GUILT I have held against MYSELF! I now forgive MYSELF for the things I have done in my life that has made myself or those that I love suffer. I am not perfect and have made mistakes. GOD will forgive me so WHO AM I to hold self-hatred, unforgiveness and anger against myself? IF GOD FORGIVES ME who can condemn me?
Please forgive me FATHER GOD, in JESUS' name for anger I may have held in my heart towards YOU when I felt abandoned, used or cheated. IT was not your fault for the pain and suffering I or my loved ones went through. IT WAS NOT YOUR PLAN and it was NOT YOUR FAULT! Please forgive me FATHER GOD, in JESUS name for allowing Anger At GOD, defiance, rebellion, stubbornness, fear of rejection, lies, fear of rejection by GOD, self-pity, guilt, doubt, fear, profanity, using your name in vain, blaspheme or any other sin against YOU when I blamed YOU for suffering and pain. Unlike the Old Testament covenant of LAW and WRATH the NEW COVENANT is one of GRACE. Unmerited forgiveness and LOVE through faith in CHRIST. Thank you JESUS!