Sermons → Will Curtis

Charismatic Witchcraft in the Church

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Even if they are interested in knowing more about GOD they wouldn't give the spouse the satisfaction of thinking that it was their complaining that drew them to GOD.

One type of prayer is being taught in churches which is straight witchcraft. When someone feels they are being cursed by someone in the occult or witchcraft then they break the curses and "send them back where they came from" and sometimes add "TEN times worse." I've heard and read the original teachings. Know what? They come from someone who was IN THE OCCULT and they are using the occult to fight the occult. GOD tells us to "bless them who curse us." If you know anything about the spirit realm... when you send a spirit back to where it came from then they attack the person heavily.

Let's say they sent someone "spirits of death." They decide to send it back. These spirits are angry now and will desire to make them pay. What if you send it "10 times worse?" Then you are unleashing MORE demons against them than was originally loosened. Satan will answer that prayer.


Now who is the worst witch? You are supposed to be a Christian! A servant of GOD. Bless them who curse you. Love them who hate you.

Satan accepts charismatic prayers because when he answers them and the person gets what they want then they are his servant and he is their master. GOD may even make good out of the evil but the fact is they prayed a prayer that GOD wouldn't answer. Someone did and those people now "owe" the ones who answered it.

Another type of "controlling" or "charismatic witchcraft prayer" I've heard repeatedly in many churches was done after members had quit the church. In group prayer as well as to their faces, the leadership used the word of GOD and prayer to bring fear into the hearts of those who left. This was also done from the pulpit to scare other members of the church who might consider following the others out the door. This is using the Bible and threats from GOD to control others. FEAR is the motivating factor for people to stay and not question leadership. Someone who wants control will use whatever is necessary and "GOD has the biggest hammer."

These were just straight curses. Using the word of GOD they point out all the things that these people were guilty of. This includes that these people are like the Jews who refused to be under authority and submission. That they were bringing division and anger. Then they list the curses that will follow those who leave without being "released." (Any wonder people are afraid to join churches as members?)

I would guess that I've heard of at least 200 times where a pastor spoke a line of charismatic curses to members of their church who were quitting. With little variation the curse reads like this:

"if you leave the church you'll be out of GOD’s will. You'll not become what GOD has called you to be. You'll fall away from GOD and possibly go back into the world and lose your salvation."

Know what? THEY DID END UP FALLING INTO A SPIRITUAL SPIRAL!!! Even though they went to other churches they just couldn't break the confusion over their minds and the fear of retribution by GOD. We had to break the power of those curses over their lives and then they found freedom.

Many Christians, who want to be recognized by everyone for their "spirituality," get into doing wild prayers where it flows out of them like waste out of an open sewer. I know they want to feel "used of GOD" but just as much to be "recognized by man." Often they pray without thinking. Just a creative "religious prayer" using the word of GOD and stating a specific goal they want achieved.

When you pray never tell GOD HOW you want the goal accomplished. ESPECIALLY relatives. As a Christian you are a covering over them. When you "give up" then you are removing them from under the promise of GOD to save your families.

Don't give the person a "set time" to come to truth before the "judgment of GOD" falls on them.

Don't take bits and pieces of scripture from the Bible connect them together and lay them out in some special order to show someone why they should do what you say.

DO confess scriptures which promise your family and loved ones will be saved. Stand on the word. ASK GOD to drawl the people you're praying for to truth. BLESS them who curse and spitefully use you.

Don't send curses/demons back where they came from. (if you want to learn what to do with them and how to break the curses then email meNot available! Will Curtis has not provided any current contact information with me. to discuss)

Don't judge people when you pray and don't speak the old testament curses that befell those who broke certain commandments. It's not our job...and GOD HIMSELF will decide what is to be "allowed" because of the sin(s). Remember, we are under grace. If we are perfect then we MIGHT survive "being judged as we judge others." That is a scary thought!


If you hear or speak a curse. Dealing with it is simple, just do it quickly. You say

I ask forgiveness, in JESUS' name, for speaking a curse against __________(name person). I break the power of words and curses spoken against____________ and cast those words powerless to the bottom of GODs' chosen waste place. I bind all spirits released through those words and curses and cast them bound to GOD's chosen waste place until the Judgment Seat of CHRIST. I ask you to bless them LORD.

Read: 'The Jezebel Teachings' since that is a spirit of Witchcraft operating in many churches:

Endnotes (c) These teachings and prayers are property of Broken Chains Ministries. None of this document can be used in publications (without written/notarized) permission or for profit. Intended for personal ministry use only. Churches/Ministries may use this material and prayers to minister in their own churches where there is no fee or cost for ministry or handouts. In that case please put this disclaimer on the copies of checklists or information to be printed.

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