Page Suggestions: The Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel and Ahab Operating in the Church and Christian Families

PART 1 OF 3, Page 3

A Brief Teaching On BAAL Worship

After marrying Jezebel Ahab built a temple of Baal and served/worshipped the pagan 'god.' Baal cults grew through Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Carthage and Spain. 'Baal' is a Semitic word which means 'owner or master' and is used in the context of 'lord or 'master.' She is a Canaanite deity.

Baal, was a fertility god. She was known as the 'god of the sun' and was responsible for crops growing and flocks increasing. She was known also as 'Astarte' and worshipped in Babylon and Assyria. Baal priests taught that Baal was known for causing plagues, droughts and other suffering. They had the people being sacrificed to appease the angry god, which included goats, sheep, bulls, and humans which were burned alive!

This deity is the one responsible for women sacrificing their own children by tossing them into the fire. They did this for favor and power from the 'gods.' Todays Wicca, Satanism and occult groups have nothing over the worshippers of Baal. It might be worth noticing that Wiccans (witches) still worship female deities.

Anyone who knows much about those in 'the craft' they use men, have children by men but in truth don't like them. They prefer the 'company' of other women. God has shown me that the Baal deity is very likely the great harlot which is discussed in Revelation.

While virtually every church has a few people operating in this spirit she is alive and well today in the religious traditions and doctrines of one group/church. All of their current rituals were taken directly from the Baal priests' ceremonies. When this 'group' formed Baal worship as an open religion disappeared. The sacrament, prayer to priest and dead people, confession booths, worship of mother/child, prayer beads and the 'ihs' that appears on their cross (the initials for 3 Baal gods) all came from the original Baal religion!

This 'group' proceeded to force all people in their conquered lands to accept their 'mother/child' deity worship and proceeded to murder/torture to death all the Christians who would not confess their religious doctrines as their own and refused to renounce Yeshua (Jesus) as their only lord.

In one Encyclopedia they said that Baal is sometimes called Beelzebub (or Baalzbub), one of Satans fallen angels. Wouldn't this make this an anti-christ religion? Lifting up the mother as an equal deity as the 'blessed child'? I've heard of Beelzebub in reference to one of the names of Satan. He is one of the fallen angels.

As many of you have read, that BAAL as a religion disappeared at the conception of Roman Catholicism. The traditions/rituals of confession booths, prayer beads, worship of mother and child, the IHS on their cross represents three Baal gods, worship of the dead, seeing the Priests as the ones to seek for forgivenness, the belief that during communion the wine ACTUALLY becomes the sacrifices' blood and the bread ACTUALLY becomes the flesh of the sacrifice and MANY other rituals used in Roman Catholicism came STRAIGHT from the Baal rituals and traditions. BAAL worship was never heard from again and a 'formal religion after the Roman Catholic church formed.and began the CRUSADES which actually murdered unimaginable numbers of the TRUE early church who worshipped JESUS and refused to denounce their beliefs. Sad but true! :-( (I can refer people to MANY books which back this up if interested)

Scripture Study on Jezebel

And Elijah the Tishbite, [who was] of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, [As] the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that [is] before Jordan. And it shall be, [that] thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.

So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that [is] before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. 1 Kings 17:1-7 (NKJV)Bible quote(verse 1) And Elijah the Tishbite, [who was] of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, [As] the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

(verse 2) And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying,

(verse 3) Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that [is] before Jordan.

(verse 4) And it shall be, [that] thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.

(verse 5) So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that [is] before Jordan.

(verse 6) And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.

(verse 7) And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.1 Kings 17 (KJV) verses 1-7

GOD sends the prophet to speak against witchcraft and idolatry - EVEN BACK THEN SOCIETY DESIRED TO BE 'POLITICALLY CORRECT' AND NOT STAND UP AGAINST THE ANTI-CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES OF THOSE IN POWER. THOSE WHO STAND UP FOR TRUTH FIND THEMSELVES ALONE AND PERSECUTED. Sadly, Gods anointed servants are still not safe when they come against the idolatry and speak out against the sins of the church.

And it came to pass [after] many days that the word of the LORD came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, "Go, present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the earth."

So Elijah went to present himself to Ahab; and [there was] a severe famine in Samaria. And Ahab had called Obadiah, who [was] in charge of [his] house. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly.

For so it was, while Jezebel massacred the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets and hidden them, fifty to a cave, and had fed them with bread and water.)

And Ahab had said to Obadiah, "Go into the land to all the springs of water and to all the brooks; perhaps we may find grass to keep the horses and mules alive, so that we will not have to kill any livestock." So they divided the land between them to explore it; Ahab went one way by himself, and Obadiah went another way by himself. 1 Kings 18:1-6 (NKJV)Bible quote(verse 1) And it came to pass [after] many days, that the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year, saying, Go, shew thyself unto Ahab; and I will send rain upon the earth.

(verse 2) And Elijah went to shew himself unto Ahab. And [there was] a sore famine in Samaria.

(verse 3) And Ahab called Obadiah, which [was] the governor of [his] house. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly:

(verse 4) For it was [so], when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the LORD, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water.)

(verse 5) And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go into the land, unto all fountains of water, and unto all brooks: peradventure we may find grass to save the horses and mules alive, that we lose not all the beasts.

(verse 6) So they divided the land between them to pass throughout it: Ahab went one way by himself, and Obadiah went another way by himself.1 Kings 18 (KJV) verses 1-6


Those who serve this anti-christ movement seek to outlaw and lock-up anyone who preaches truth. In many countries Christians are still being murdered. In America, this is the result of Jezebel's influence after eight years using 'Ahab' like a puppet.

page 4 page 5 PART 2 PART 3 Sermons