Page Suggestions: The Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel and Ahab Operating in the Church and Christian Families

PART 3 OF 3, Page 1

Writer: Will Curtis | 16 December 2003 | Broken Chains Ministries

The Role of Jezebel in America Today - Still the Enemy of the Prophets

My mind REELS from the VICIOUS CIRCLE and connections between Jezebel operating in the church/families today, the women's lib movement, the destruction of the priesthood, and the teaching on this site titled The Elijah Anointing Today [article not available on this website] you'll see the connection between Prophets who operate in that anointing being the enemy of the JEZEBEL SPIRIT! This was the very anointing that GOD used to tear down her kingdom and to speak against her HARLOTRIES! The anointing of Elijah was to operate in the 'power of GOD' and 'turn the hearts of the children (of GOD) back to HIM. Just like the JEZEBEL of the old testament this spirit HATES THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY. If the Prophetic ministry just operates in the gifts of healing, miracles, personal prophecy, word of wisdom then it is no threat and she may welcome it with open arms since it will likely increase attendance and offerings but if they operate in DISCERNING OF SPIRITS, WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE or DELIVERANCE there is a REAL risk she will be exposed. Sadly, this is not often the case. Each person who operates in the DISCERNING OF SPIRITS are shown different things by GOD. In other words, if you don't know how to handle a situation, HE won't show you what is there.

From reading all the scriptures we learned that Jezebel may act sweet to those she wants to use but in truth she is like a pit-bull when she decides that someone is in the way.

As if the Prophets and Apostles don't have enough coming against them to keep them out of their ministry and out of the churches (such as people bound by religious spirits, control and wolves serving darkness) but Jezebels BIGGEST ENEMY IS THE PROPHETIC MINSTRY! Those operating in the prophetic gifts such as 'word of wisdom', 'word of knowledge' and higher levels of 'discerning of spirits' will preach against the church being controlled and will bring in deliverance. They'll teach how the body of CHRIST should be in order as GOD ordained it (not as Jezebels wants it) and will REVEAL the wolves in the congregation.

People operating in the Jezebel Spirit are accustomed to having the Pastor, deacon board and others bowing to their 'suggestions' because of their political position in the area, and this can be easily accomplished in most churches by becoming a "generous financial contributor."

Revelation from GOD will expose them. This is why certain people in the congregation complain and argue about letting anyone come in who operates in the TRUE gifts of GOD or the Prophetic ministry. They'll use every threat and 'push all the buttons' necessary to keep the gifts mentioned above from being allowed to operate freely in the church.

Only those with something hidden in darkness are fearful of being exposed by the light. Though Jezebel may act submissive to someone, it will only be for the sake of gaining trust or an advantageous position in a ministry or relationship.

Once that advantage is obtained... WATCH OUT! She will subtly or boldly change situations to fit her own desires. See? If you operate in discerning of spirits in a "healing ministry" and He regularly shows you spirits of infirmities, HE will not show you witchcraft or other spirits that you are NOT EQUIPPED to deal with or have the AUTHORITY to deal with in that church. If I have one VALUABLE piece of information for Pastors and lay-person's interested in learning about seeing a church and it's members coming into freedom it's to WATCH for when someone gets really irritated by the teaching on ANY PARTICULAR spirit.

This is like a big "HELLO! ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME?? HOW DARE YOU!!??" They could start fidgeting around, making irritated faces, mumbling, or possibly walking out, or hanging around long enough to "complain to everyone" that you are NOT of GOD and that they need to get rid of you. Now this can happen in either case whether they are just someone who uses these spirits for their own needs without actually knowing how they do it BUT they feel convicted or they are 'servants of darkness and want YOU GONE.'

NOTE: How word for word accurate Will is. These things happened to me! Read my story. -POR Admin-

You might even get a full manifestation, LOL. Sometimes they may not KNOW that's why they feel such anger/guilt rising up inside of them but they will become irritated and uncomfortable as it is taught and the witchcraft/controlling spirit will come against the teaching exposing the operation of the particular spirits. (Again, this could be a man or woman.) They may try to turn the deacons against the Teacher or Pastor. They may threaten to go to the DENOMINATIONAL OVERSEER to cause problems or worse yet do that without warning. Trust me, I've seen it all happen. Again, this can be seen in men as well as women on occasions. This can be caused by Religious spirits not wanting to see freedom as well. This is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of the spirits manifesting. They deny the possibility that they could have such a spirit yet they are manifesting the VERY CHARACTERISTICS of the spirit! They claim they are protecting the church from heresies.

How Satan brought Jezebel into Power

Destruction of morals and the family.

page 2 page 3 PART 1 PART 2 Sermons