Page Suggestions: The Jezebel Spirit

Jezebel and Ahab Operating in the Church and Christian Families

PART 3 OF 3, Page 3

Those who commit adultery with her (this is the people who FOLLOW her) and her teachings and are YOKED with her. Remember, this CAN BE A MAN as well! They will be following FALSE gods! Test the spirit of the teachings and actions of those in leadership! Test them by the "word of GOD." Pray for an increase in the gift of "discerning of spirits" so you will "feel" when something is wrong. Many Christians are in church for the "show" and have their HEADS IN THE SAND LIKE AN OSTRACH! I believe from reading what GOD says in HIS word that HE won't accept an EXCUSE like "Gee, I didn't know it was wrong."

Jezebel Spirit Uses Her Feminine Wiles to Assist in Destroying Lives, Ministries and Marriages

The Jezebel spirits targets women who were raised in that sort of family structure or women who were hurt or abused by men. These doorways were opened through their desire to not show their weaknesses (or spirits manifesting in their lives) such as 'anger at men', 'fear of man', fear of rejection, GUILT, fear of abandonment, jealousy, ANGER AT GOD and others. Eventually a women who has been raped, jilted or abused in any way opens doors to cover up and/or compensate for their fears or inadequacies by turning the situations around by demanding control over others.

Other women who were raised in families where 'momma got her way' already have the spirits through transference through generational rights. The spirits are there just waiting for the woman to get angry and allow them to 'take care of the situation'! This is even WORSENED by the fact that once this spirit takes affect it will try to make the woman's life unhappy while also DESTROYING the ministry she is a member of. What happens is the women start comparing other men in the church (or in the ministry elsewhere) to their own husband? They start to see their husbands shortcomings and start 'grieving' that their husbands are not as spiritual as these other men. Sex is a tool women are taught to use by television, movies, celebrity idols and society in general. I wish I had a dollar for each time I've heard women tell ministers compliments which are open doors leading to a possible 'affair'. They include:

"It's awesome how GOD uses you. I wish my husband was more like you."
"I pray every day for a man of GOD like you!"
"I love being around you. I can feel the presence of GOD all around."
"I have some PRIVATE problems that I need to talk about with someone I can trust to keep it confidential.
I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing it with anyone else. Can we meet?"

In my mothers' church, and two other churches in my city, had repeated divorces/adultery between Pastors and members of the congregation. Member sin in the church also started committing adultery. What happened? In most cases the Pastors ended up divorced. Sadly, most of them just moved to another state and start Pastoring another church. I can guarantee those spirits will start operating in those churches as well. Why did members who knew nothing about their leaderships' sins also start lusting after other people and committing adultery? BECAUSE THEY WERE YOKED TO THOSE IN LEADERSHIP WHO DID IT! As other teachings I've written, the answer is that there is SIN IN THE CAMP and the spirits "legally" transfer to the members that are YOKED to the leader. Know who you are yoking yourself to before you say those "OATHS OF DEDICATION" or "Membership."

Ministering to the Opposite Sex

Remember what the Bible says?

But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Titus 2:1-5Bible quote(verse 1) But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

(verse 2) That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.

(verse 3) The aged women likewise, that [they be] in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

(verse 4) That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

(verse 5) [To be] discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.Titus 2 (KJV) verses 1-5

The older women who have experience in the 'word of GOD' and in marriage should form a team in each church and stand in the roll of counselors in personal problems. A great idea is for the Pastors wife to be involved in these meetings and THEN she can decide if it's something that the Pastor should get involved in. The Pastors wife IS A CO-LABORER IN THE MINISTRY and needs to keep a finger on the possible problems as well. Not only that but a JILTED or REJECTED JEZEBEL can cause as much trouble as one where the Pastor actually does get involved in sexual sins. The wrath of a 'Jezebelian woman' is terribly severe. She simply LIES! She accuses the Pastor/husband/worship leader/teacher or anyone in authority within the church of infidelity and possibly RAPE. This leads to destroyed churches, marriages and ministries. Satan's demons are VERY happy at that point.

MEN MUST REMEMBER THAT MEETING WITH A LONE FEMALE (or male if the person in leadership is female) IS A DANGEROUS THING! Really, it's a trap.

Of course, you could EXPECT something like this to be pre-meditated and carried out by a Wiccan, Satan worshipper or some other female serving darkness and coming in like a sheep but is secretly a wolf. (It happens more often than you can imagine!)

The sad thing is this can also be ORCHESTRATED by the Jezebel spirit which has been allowed to manifest and operate in a hurting woman's life. Physical, emotional or sexual abuse done to a woman makes her the perfect target for this spirit. Destroying a man, a marriage or a ministry may not be her goal but those spirits operating on her DO want too! She will feel a "longing" for this man that she cannot explain, but SHE KNOWS SHE WANTS HIM and GOD help the person who gets in this spirits way! The chances for this increases when the woman, unknowingly because of her past sexual activities, has picked up a SEDUCING SPIRIT. This makes men with open doors for lust feel VERY DRAWN to them and more likely to give into the 'lusts of the flesh' and 'pride of life'. This is why it's important for the 'gifts of the spirit' to be in operation in the church and a prophetic/apostolic ministry to be active in the church. Someone who has the 'discerning of spirits' should be part of such a team as well.

Doorways for Men to Allow Jezebel In

IN FACT, SEXUAL, PHYSICAL OR EMOITONAL ABUSE DONE TO A MAN by another man can ALSO open the doors for this spirit! Remember, the KEY to the Jezebel spirit is HATRED OF MEN. Male victims of incest or rape are good candidates for these spirits. Today, thanks to the 60's ideology of "freedom" and "doing what ya' like" there are many fathers who have totally rejected their sons (and daughters) to pursue their own enjoyment and financial success. These kids are victims. They have heavy oppression by spirits of REJECTION, FEAR OF REJECTION, FEAR OF MAN and yes, HATRED OF MEN! (Just to name a few) Another doorway for the JEZEBEL SPIRIT. Can you not help but see all the hurting kids today tattooing themselves with demonic symbols, listening to demonic/satanic influenced bands and REBELLING against anything that has to do with AUTHORITY and GOD? See?

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