Page Suggestions: The Jezebel Spirit
Jezebel and Ahab Operating in the Church and Christian Families
PART 3 OF 3, Page 4
GOD is the "FATHER FIGURE" and how kids feel about their earthly father they "mirror" onto their "heavenly father"! Satan successfully destroys a family and turns a child away from GOD all in one fatal swoop.
These kids are OPENLY turning to occult activity to REBEL against their parents out of their pain. They simply learn from the internet, from the music they listen to or by going down to Walden's Books and buying all the books on card reading, palm reading, crystals, chanting, cursing, casting spells, false religions or the AMAZING occult material available to them. (Way more occult books than Christian books. I guarantee you!)
Let's see. Hmmmm...they hate their fathers. That's "HATRED OF MEN." They want the ability to control others and their own lives... CONTROL. They want demonic power...WITCHRAFT. Yep. The perfect hiding place for JEZEBEL!
In short, Jezebel has worked her way into the church and the lives of every family in America. She brings confusion, division, and foreign gods with her. JESUS is supposed to come back for a bride "without spot or wrinkle." make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Ephesians 5:25-27 (NIV)(verse 25) Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
(verse 26) That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
(verse 27) That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.Ephesians 5 (KJV) verses 25-27
Do you think today's church fits that description? Or do you think the church better get busy as directed in the book of Revelation? I pray families and churches work to "root out" those spirits and people are willing to let that spirit go! If you have seen that spirit operate in your own life and you want to deal with it then here is a prayer to say out loud:
Please forgive me father GOD, in JESUS' name, for allowing the JEZEBEL or the AHAB SPIRITS to manifest in my life. I do not want power and control over other people... and I turn my life over to you! May YOUR "will" be done in my life, LORD! I will submit to the God-given authorities you have placed into my life and as YOU state in your "word." I also ask forgiveness for allowing the related spirits to manifest in my life including:
HATRED OF MEN, defiance, stubbornness, rebellion, idolatry, control, pride, vengeance, lies, division, witchcraft, anger, rage, murder, rape, incest, doubting GOD, anger at GOD, coveting, homosexuality, religious spirits (Pharisee/Saducee), leviathans, seducing spirits, leviathan, destruction of priesthood, lust, fantasy, all the spirits that cover false gifts, anti-christ, lust and all spirits enjoyed through the three main sins that JESUS was tempted with… lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life.
Please forgive me and cleanse me FATHER GOD, IN JESUS name! Now I ask you FATHER GOD, in JESUS' name to bind all of those spirits, as you see fit, and cast them to the middle of your chosen waste place! GO IN JESUS name!
NOTE: If you are SERIOUSLY interested in dealing with these spirits and closing ALL the doorways of these spirits then you NEED TO DO THE WHOLE "Breaking Legal Rights Prayer" found in the teaching Deliverance: How to Cast Out Demons - Part 2B [article not available on this website].
Please also read these series and teachings from Will Curtis:
– Parable Of The Vineyard- Prophetic Message For The Church
– Idolatry- Are GOD's people following Idols again? Parts 1 2, 3 and 4
– Termites in our Foundations — Anger at God and more- Part 1 and Part 2
– Religious Spirits and How They Operate in the Church — Parts 1 and 2
– What's the Connection Between God, Israel, Ninevah, Sodom and the Terrorists? Parts 1 2, 3 and 4
– MPD and SRA- Ritual Abuse Victims and The Churches Role
– Charismatic Witchcraft in the church
Endnotes (c) These teachings and prayers are property of Broken Chains Ministries. None of this document can be used in publications (without written/notarized) permission or for profit. Intended for personal ministry use only. Churches/Ministries may use this material and prayers to minister in their own churches where there is no fee or cost for ministry or handouts. In that case please put this disclaimer on the copies of checklists or information to be printed.