Page updated 23 October 2016
Page Suggestions: Boycott TBN, False Prophets, False Prophet List, Marty Layton
False Teacher Matt Dentino
Matt's Church Cult
Read the characteristics of a cult.
****My Public Statement (video)****
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Electric guitars and voodoo drums
Now false prophet Marty Layton has poor ole Matt believing he is a prophet too. Doesn't anyone ever read the Bible where the numerous Scriptures say to beware of the MANY false prophets who have been sent out into the world in the last days? These false prophets BEGET more false prophets. They teach people that they can be "trained" to be prophets of God. It is a SCHEME by the devil to deceive people into the occult.
Many of these false prophets are witches sent on the agenda of Satan to lure the people of God into the occult. It appears from my research that Bill Hamon, Marty's teacher, is a big producer in teaching and sending out these false prophets into the world. How ironic is that?
Many people 'choose' to be preachers not because they are genuine Christians and not because God has called them to preach which are the first two requirements of any real preacher (to be saved and to be called). Many people 'choose' for themselves to be preachers because they think that it is a good way to become famous, well known and easy to fleece a flock of people to make themselves materially wealthy. Many other people who become ordained ministers may start out right but then later become tangled in this prosperity gospel lie and they become blinded to the compromise they have embraced. This is a severe problem in our day and a big tactic of the devil to compromise the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Read what the Bible says a preacher should be.
I failed to snap a photo while this logo was posted to their front page. It is obvious that ever since I exposed them in 2012 that they have been trying to hide this logo which is further proof they are imposters, however it may still be available for viewing if you look for it. Here is a screenshot where they have hidden their logo behind other photos on their Facebook page, click for screenshot.
Now what does this ridiculous looking symbol have to do with Jesus Christ or the church? Absolutely nothing! What reason is there for a church of Jesus Christ to have or need a logo other than having an empty cross? The reason is because the church worships another 'god,' not Jesus Christ.
I have noticed that many of these churches (not all, but many) using the word "International" in their names appear to be connected to each other and illuminati owned.
Double Binds and Double Agents
Even though they may initially have had some sympathy with the saved alters, they are slowly drawn back more fully into the original patterning and serve as 'behind-the-scenes' operatives for Satan, using the light (Christian) alters to serve their ultimate interests....
Free Masonry and other occultic bodies like the Rosicrucians operate in exactly the same way in the outside world. Those not of the 'inner core' have no idea that an inner raw satanist elite even exists. Those on the outside are involved in charitable work of all kinds and naturally win the confidence of grateful citizens for their masonic hospitals and the like. They believe there are 33 degrees on Masonry and that once you reach the 33rd, you're at the top. In truth, that is simply a border between an inner and outer organization. Above the 33rd degree are others run by hard-core satanists and Illuminati. The outer structure acts as a perfect cover for their devilish operations, and those on the outside have no idea that anything else exists within their organization., and more at
After studying the logo for Outreach Ministries International we see that this is yet another illuminati sign. Let us take a closer look at this occult logo. This logo depicts a picture of a female 'god in the sky' who wears a crown. Lo and behold, Wiccans worship a female goddess. This keeps getting more interesting.
- View the "Knights of Malta" cross. (Source:
- The middle art represents a 'sun wheel' or 'wheel of life' that is used by many eastern religions. View the Sun Wheel Chart. View the Wiccan Sun Wheel or Wheel of the Year.
- The roses are like that of the Rosicrucian Order. View image.
...the Satanic Societas Rosicruciana is in relation to the Satanic groups such as the O.T.O., Golden Dawn, and Stella Matutina. The Societas Rosicruciana is definitely a high level exclusive Illumanati organization. -Fritz Springmeier, The Collins Family-
The Rosicrucian Order is a legendary and secretive Order publicly documented in the early 17th century. The Rosicrucian Order is viewed among earlier and many modern Rosicrucianists as an inner worlds Order, composed of great "Adepts." When compared to human beings, the consciousness of these Adepts is said to be like that of demi-gods. This "College of Invisibles" is regarded as the source permanently behind the development of the Rosicrucian movement.
- The bizarre upside down cross is very misunderstood by all. The Christian community claims one thing, and the occult claims another. According to what the Christian community is trying to claim is that Simon Peter was crucified on an upside down cross and therefore the Christian community is trying to stake a claim of acceptance for this. This is inaccurate information. According to the Nelson Study Bible commentary "Church tradition says HE was crucified upside down." Simon Peter felt he was unworthy to die like Christ so he requested to be crucified upside down— 'Peter' himself to be upside down, not the 'cross'! The Word of God says nothing about the "cross" itself being upside down! The cross stood upright just as it did for Jesus Christ and everyone else. Only Peter died upside down. An upside down cross represents the occult!
- The numbers 11 and 33 are somehow significant numbers [website has been removed!] to the illuminati. I care nothing about numbers or numerology as that is of the occult, but I mention this because these numbers are significant to the occult, and I see two "threes" on this logo.
- Enlarge Photo
The 'Venus' symbol.
- Venus symbol (U+2640 ♀)
The symbol for a female organism or woman.