Page updated 23 May 2017
Page Suggestions: Boycott TBN, False Prophets, False Prophet List, Marty Layton
False Teacher Matt Dentino
Read the characteristics of a cult.
****My Public Statement (video)****
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When is Matt going to start practicing what he preaches to others?
It looks like it will be a cold day in Hell before that ever happens. Below are some more hypocritical comments made by this imposter. All comments were found at
"Now this is sick and I'm no hoo hoo!!! Where are all the civil rights groups speaking out against this!? As Christians we are called to love the sinner, hate the sin and offer repentance and restoration, not take their lives like some islamists did here without mercy!" [Sad execution of gay men in Iran,] -Matt, February 7, 2012-
Double-minded. He loves and supports homosexuals again but he sure did illustrate a whole lot of hatred towards me, and for WHAT REASON? If Mr. Dentino were a genuine Christian then he would stand up like a man and amend the destruction he caused in my life. It was not God who alienated me. It was the demons controlling this man. How apostates ooze with love and kindness until a person gets in their way then look out! All the sweet talk he does with people is a FRONT!!!!!!!!!! It just blows my mind how these religious bigots can live with themselves except that they are controlled by demonic forces to create destruction in the lives of genuine Christians. These people are so PATHETIC. They are enough to turn anyone AWAY FROM THE LORD!
"Evil knows no bounds...evil is also trying to separate Christians from each other...infighting. It's happening now." MJ Hawk, July 18, 2011
How RIGHT Mr. Dentino's compatriot Hawk is, and Mr. Dentino in all his hypocrisy agreed with this man's comment. Just how hypocritical can an apostate become?
"There will be lots of garbage trying to pass itself off as Christian ministry in these last days; Christ, John was Paul warn of this." -Matt, June 12, 2011-
That's interesting since Matt appears to be part of that garbage. Heathens dumping people like garbage, as he did to me, and sucked into the "ME GOSPEL."
"No greater thing can a man (or woman) do than lay his (her) live down for others." -Matt, May 29, 2011-
Oh, he must mean to kill them? Apostates lay their life down for no one.
There is nothing like the power of God showing up in a night club while most of the "patrons" didn't know what hit them but knew that it was AWESOME!!! -Matt, May 7, 2011-
TBN'ers just love dark, smokey, boozing night clubs. This is why they make their blasphemous churches look like one. Apostates, they just don't get it! I have no time to keep up with all the ungodly things these apostates are into- illuminati, satanic, death worship music, all their satanic symbology, twisted scripture, self-worship, murderering people... If you read through this website you will come to realize how deep into the occult the counterfeit church is today. God does not go to night clubs. Apostates do not know the difference between the Holy Spirit and Satan's evil spirits.
Just heard this great man of God passed yesterday. Grace and mercy to his family and ministry based out of NYC. He was a real prophet and guiding light to America. [Story on David Wilkerson's passing,] -Matt, April 28, 2011-
ONE, David Wilkerson was NOT A PROPHET. He NEVER CLAIMED TO BE A PROPHET. If Mr. Dentino ever actually listened to any of his sermons then he would have known that. David was a great man of God who preached the truth but he was not perfect. He was not a compromiser, or follower of FALSE PROPHETS. He was not interested in fame or television or money. He had a sincere, weeping heart to preach the gospel to the lost and see genuine salvations for the Lord Jesus Christ! No wonder Mr. Dentino is confused and messed up with false prophets. He does not know what a prophet is to begin with. Apostates call everyone a prophet who claims to hear from the Lord while they themselves obviously do not hear from the Lord. TWO, Mr. Dentino has obviously never listened to any of Wilkerson's sermons or else he would not be involved with false prophets today and he would genuinely get saved. THREE, if Wilkerson had ever met Dentino then he would have told him to get saved.
Like all apostates, Matt really loves false prophets- religious sorcerers and witches. We can only hope and pray that the scales will be lifted from his eyes so he may see the TRUTH before it is too late.
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 2 Corinthians 10:12