Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Fallen Angels, Sleep Paralysis, Spiritual Warfare

When Evil is a 'Strawman'

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– Form a global network on Christian believers who know UFOs/ETs are demonic and have them report instantly all sightings/events as they take place.

– Form prayer groups in each area where there is a "watcher" that will be name, place and time order evil forces to leave the humans being threatened to go away via the authority the name of the Lord Jesus Christ gives us.

– Form on-scene response teams that will drive/fly to areas like Gulf Breeze, Florida and meet with local Bible-Believing Churches there and get an on-scene Holy Spirit lead presence demanding that the forces of evil go away. These Jonathan Teams will go out and actively confront so called UFOs with King James Bibles and firearms to force these things to "show their hand" whether they are illusions or physical facsimiles.

– Get a Prime time TV news magazine type show refuting the claims of New Age shows like Sightings, X-Files etc with direct confrontation and news segments.

– This force called SkyWatch would demand lawmakers and U.S. military personnel when they investigate so-called UFO phenomena to have on scene a Bible believing Christian person to confront what they see with the power of the Holy Spirit. The entire UFO mess has been characterized by a secular, humanistic approach devoid of consideration that the origination of these events is religious and arbitrary and not a natural "phenomena" that can be studied in a test tube. What we are encountering is not some benign process of nature when its SUPERnatural. For nature to be superceded, it must have an intelligent being over-ruling the laws of nature which requires both a motive and will. The methodology of UFO investigation should be that of a crime scene or preparation of a battlefield against an enemy not a quaint, sterile lab. What we are investigating is an active enemy with a will that cannot be fully anticipated let alone be viewed as some natural process repeatable in a test.

Its HIGH NOON on planet Earth.

It's time to strap on our guns and meet the bad guys in the town center. There is going to be a battle. Some people are going to die. You can wait for them to knock on your door and drag you out and imprison you and eventually kill you or you can stand up and fight like a Christian MAN and "resist the devil" and he will flee from you. The Earth is ours, given to us by God to watch over and protect.

Don't give me the end times prophecy that we can't win, who says that this is the time? God is able if we ask him. Nothing is over until God says its over. Until then our DUTY is to fight evil as in a war.

What are YOU going to do now, Christian?


1st Lt. Mike S. is a U.S. Army Reserve Airborne veteran, and a former enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer in the USMC. He is a military writer, analyst and equipment inventor. He is also a graduate of Liberty University.

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