Page updated 07 June 2018

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I stopped watching TBN years ago.... I started noticing that they love to talk about themselves. Who cares about watching their video weddings, etc. They promote themselves for money. They pervert the word. They have forgotten that it is not about them at all. Its about God. No ones cares about their personal lives. Gods word is free. People get with God on your own and let the Holy Spirit guide you, not man!! I have enjoyed your site very much. Very informative. The truth will set you free. -Katy

I too experienced this in a mega church. The rejection was so painful. The attacks came at me left and right. It has taken numerous fasts to help me stand strong. I was had already been through two felony convictions and they used this as a means for control. I needed work so of course the church offered a lOVING hand. Not enough to provide for but enough to still live in my car. The tactic was to get me to obey. I did run from there and I do struggle with new churches. I have repented for idolatry. The Holy Spirit has recently taken me to a book by Charles Stanley. It revealed those crafty ways that Jezzy has shown herself in my life. Thank you for this site. I pray for strength and endurance through Christ our Lord that you will be strong and courageous to persevere and not grow faint. To God be the Glory. -Valerie

Thank you for this article. I do not intend to start the bashing. But I am married to a someone who bears all these characteristics, though the jezebel spirit has no gender. My spouse has turned me against my family and my church, completely isolated me from everyone who cares for me. I thank GOD for this post. -wise

It's really great that you have this beautiful site as a witness. It's amazing that you're able to use it to tell the real truth. In this day and age, truth is hard to come by. I thank God for making it possible for this to exist, even after all you've been through. Keep fighting the good fight of the faith until He returns! 1 Timothy 6:12Bible quoteFight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.1 Timothy 6 verse 12 —Matthew

I have been battling for some time. I am born again, and filled with the Spirit. I've had mutiple attacks against my marriage, mind, children etc. I prayed the prayer of breaking curses. Thank you for offering this. I believe the Lord sent me to this site today. I am grateful. -Ginger

Sounds like my story ... He ruined my life and my church life and my entire career life needless to say I pray the lord my soul to take since I been burned and killed by his controlling and selfish ways ... God bless you for standing up to this site. -Aly

Thank you. Glory be to Almighty God. -Silver

I've search the net and many list of false teachers. Nowhere have I found the name Larry Richards. Yet I believe he was gone astray and would like others to start looking into his book full armor of God. He has woven inner healing into this book and a lot of unlearned Christians will not catch this. Sadly, I didn't until it was too late. Now I am seeing where he sucked me in. Please look into this and add him to the list.

He goes by Larry Richards on his books. His name is Lawrence O. Richards. He wrote the armor of God. Purple cover with a solider on it. It seemed very scriptural based. But what happened was he has exercises at the end of the chapters. I started working the exercises. I read my Bible but I just don't understand it. This book helped me understand ephesians or I think it did. I worked the exercises. What I didn't understand is that in one of them it lead me through inner healing prayer. He didn't call it that and he wove it into the exercise. I did this a few years ago. I didn't realize I was actually calling on demons instead of the holy spirit. I've lost my marriage and almost my mind since then. I've heard voices telling me to kill myself and struggled to get out from them. I thought I was seeking Christ. I prayed to God in my heart. I thought I was hearing from God. I was after all praying to Him. I have a friend who lead me to Shawn Bolz. I listened to some of his stuff and friends of his. I saw little things here and there, more and more as I listened that wasn't right...the passion bible translation. This bible translation is very scary. I know people call out the Benny Hinns of the world but this larry richards slipped up on me. I haven't seen him posted as false anywhere and he written hundreds of bible studies. I think I am naive and too trusting and learning that I need to be wise as a serpent.

This book spoke of the helmet of Salvation protecting us from satan's lies. He pointed out lies satan tells and yes I had believed them, like you are unlovable. He said to list people you need to forgive. Forgive. Ask the Spirit to show you where the lie was planted in you. Ask Jesus to join you there. Forgive that person. Repeat this to find freedom from bitterness or anger you feel. Seek reconciliation. Pray for those who wounded you.

Most of it sounds fine. But I didn't realize this was an occult practice. Or that demons were joining me in the memory and not Jesus. I know I should have. I know I sound stupid and I feel stupid for falling for it. -KM

Keep up the good work. Many in the church I attend have gone after the teachings of Bill Johnson and Bethel church in Redding CA. They will not receive my warnings. I am encouraged to find others who reject the insanity that is permeating the Christian church. -Martin S.

I believe that God directed me to you. I am a Christian women living with a Jezebel man. I feel like I'm married to the devil himself most of the time. He has a narcissistic personality. I've researched narcissism, sex addiction, pathological liar, etc etc etc. For my own sanity. Counselor by trade. I did not know about the Jezebel spirit until recently. Don't get me wrong, I've been a Christian all my life and have had a Spiritual rebirth. Reborn. I happen to run across a video on YouTube and out of curiosity, watched it. Now I know. I went further on YouTube and found Pastor Robert Morris, The Jezebel Spirit and I've had my eyes opened... We are around each other 99 % of the time... You have to remember the power of Jesus can transform even one of those Spirits... He knows my Spirit and the many times God has shown Himself in one form or another through my righteous desires, my scripture study, my communications with God. God keeps me sane. I believe that if the man is willing to look at it and listen, and is making strides line upon line, ever so noticeable, as hard and painful as is, ALL things are possible. Even though sometimes I just want to explode!!! Glad I found this forum. -BP

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