Page updated 09 December 2019

Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Sleep Paralysis, Witchcraft and the Occult

Reader Comments About Sleep Paralysis

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I had my first sleep paralysis experience about 3 weeks ago, 11/05/19. It happened again this week twice. It didn't feel like science had anything to do with it. Been reading about Demonic Harassment and visitations from evil angels & Satan & the warning signs about living in Sin. To all those reading if you are experiencing this. Even if only in your mind, call out for Jesus. I tried last night and I think it helped since it only took me seconds to wake up. I've been drawn to the darkness for a long time and even more after the woman I loved left me in 2016. She left me with a bible and a note of the first page: "God loves you." It's time to start living right because these demons don't feel like a figment of the imagination. It feels evil and very much real. I was really awake and conscious and felt a dark shadow tall man with a hat looming over my bed as I slept (2nd Nightmare). The first time it muffled at the back of my neck. (1st Nightmare). I happen to work for a Jewish company ironically but have never been religious myself. I am now thinking about taking a trip to Israel at some point in the near future as I have many coworkers who travel there for work/religion and as I embark on my spiritual journey. FYI I will continue to sleep with both my bible and my cat next to me. - believer of Christ and son of God. -Bryan G.

Sleep paralysis is demonic, and yes it happens a lot when u decide to turn ur back from the father, remember that doctors will say anything that will support science rather then spiritual..but when it comes to flashes of light, the smelling and hearing of something burning, the thunder, whispers, and horrible feelings of someone's presence with u and paralysed, there can only be 1 that can deliver you from all kinds of evil..and that is our messiah Yahushua ..because of my savior I have become a strong believer.. and every time I stumble on walking on the risheous path, the paralysis seems to happen. I had it 6 times this year, and every time I have it I feel like I'm going to die from a heart attack, this is how frightening it is..but I'm trying to stay strong in believe more and more everyday. -Juan

It's odd how I came upon this page but glad I did. I haven't been able to find any reference to this topic besides my old psychology book which referred to this phenomenon as "Devil on your back" and in my own personal experience that's exactly what it felt like. When I was a child I began having what seems to now be called Night Terrors, or Sleep Paralysis. It was shortly after I would lay down. As I remember I would be laying on my belly when I would all of the sudden become frozen, unable to move, unable to speak although my parents room was right next to mine. I would hear footsteps coming up the stairs and into my room. The presence would lay on my back and I could feel pressure, if I tried to struggle or talk it would increase the pressure. I went through this for quite a while and although I would cry out to Jesus in my mind, I was not always successful in scaring away this entity. This experience went on for quite a while. It was traumatic. As I said the only other time I've ever read about it was in college in a psychology book. I have also as an adult in my 30's experienced the sexual encounter that is described on this webpage. That would occur as I was trying to wake up but just couldn't all of these experience seem like very lucid moments when they occurred and there is no mistaking the feeling of an evil presence in a room.

Has anyone ever heard their name called out clear and loud as day but as if the caller was standing right next to you? I've have this happen shortly after I go to bed and I am not one to fall asleep quickly so again a coherent happening. -Bobby

I came here looking for spiritual answers to questions I had about sleep talking. I use to suffer from "sleep paralysis" but I have been delivered in Jesus' name! Recently, I have been talking in my sleep, so I was just looking for some direction. I ended up finding a bit more though, conformation. We (my husband, son, and I) were recently asked to leave our church (the week of Easter, mind you). There are a lot of reasons, but what it basically boils down to is that the "pastor" of this church was caught in a lie involving my son and he asked us to leave because he was afraid of being exposed. In hindsight, all of these things my son has been going through stem from a curse this man spoke on him, in the form of personal prophecy...but that leads to another discussion.

Truthfully, we weren't thrilled to be going to this place to worship, but we thought we were being led to be a quiet light and had hoped that reconciliation would come. After all, we know it is not God's will that any should perish. We wanted to be a beacon of truth juxtaposed with the lies and false doctrine. Unfortunately, that is not what happened. We were called a witch and a warlock publically on a Sunday morning. We were mocked for the way we celebrate holy days. We were talked about under the guise of accountabilty and criticized for not immidiately bowing to the will and decree of men, which were all lies. Who is the father of lies again? Not my Father!


This is it. Praise Jesus, that we know the TRUTH, that we know HIM!!! Let the real church rise, the body of CHRIST. It is comforting to know that we are not alone or imagining all of this. God is so good! Lets join together and pray for these people that hurt us to be delivered. Let's pray for those that follow them to turn around and let nothing stop them from following Jesus! -Michelle

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