Page updated 07 June 2018

Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Sleep Paralysis, Witchcraft and the Occult

Reader Comments About Sleep Paralysis

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I am a victim of sleep paralysis, but I also claim Jesus Christ as my personal saviour, and when this strange phenomenon attacks me, I simply call on the name of the Lord. I feel that we are in the last days, and the enemy is working hard to not only deceive, but to try and frighten God's people. After reading this message on this site, I am stronger, and now know that I am doing the right things to protect myself. -Flora

This was like reading my story. I used to watch inappropriate TV and would have awful dreams. I would have dreams where I couldn't move and felt held down on the bed. I would try and shout but it felt like my mouth was held shut but as soon as I thought Jesus my mouth was released and I shouted it out loud. My wife would be like, why are you shouting. I figured this was demonic but this website confirms it and gives me more context so thank you. -Ray

Are you guys insane about sleep paralysis? No it is not a demon visiting you, you are at no risk at all. Calling on jesus will work for those who believe and calling on Allah will help those who believe in it as well escape their "visions" as an atheist I know what I am experiencing is a parasomnia which will end shorty. I wouldn't put the blame on demons for a bad nightmare. Your doctor was right when he said it was nothing to be worried about. Sleep paralysis is scary and if calling out the name of your savior helps you then continue to do it! Just know that it is all explainable and happens to everyone. -JL

Admin reply:

JL is incorrect! First, calling on Allah will not save anyone. And two, not 'everybody' is tormented with sleep paralysis. I'm not. Personally I only experienced it a few times in my life and the day that I discovered what it was and called on Jesus it STOPPED. This was many years ago now. The devil no longer harasses me with sleep paralysis. Anyone who wants it to stop must be willing to humble themselves before the Lord, REPENT of their sins which means to STOP and turn around from the sins which have allowed Satan to harass them. There are people who refuse to come to Jesus but probably never experience sleep paralysis. Why? It may be because Satan already owns their soul. Until people accept the Bible as truth, the existence of an omnipotent, omnipresent supreme God and that we have an enemy, Satan, who is at war for our souls then people will remain lost being pulled deeper and deeper into the supernatural occult and believing all sorts of ridiculous things.

I believe what you said I have been dealing with this my whole life. I thought it was over till last night. You are right when people say Jesus it will go away. And it is the worst feeling a human can feel. It feels like something evil trying to take your soul. My father is a preacher and I have spent my childhood in church and I have seen angels and demons and when people experience that at night it's pure evil. I wish I could find out who wrote this because you are 100% right. And I have been in a occult called The Way International. You can look them up. Their headquarters is in Ohio and they are very dangerous. -Richie

I've read your post on Sleep Paralysis and i couldn't agree with you more. I've experienced sleep paralysis for about 4 to 5 times already and it's really terrifying. But when I am in the situation, there's only one thing I do and that is to say, "In the name of Jesus, go away demons!" And it always works. Calling out to Jesus always works. -April

I've been to a few sites looking for someone to say surely that night paralysis is not just a normal experience. I've had them on and off for a long time but lately it's been worse... after I used a ouija board. Thanks for clearing the air for me so I know I'm not crazy! -Mercedez

I can only recall one extreme case of sleep paralysis. There however have been numerous times when I am sleeping and I cannot move - like I am being held down. I try to sleep on my side now as much as possible and that helps, when I am on my back that is when I try to get up and I cant.

But one night after a night of partying I was very sleepy and I came home from lunch and took a short nap. I had the tv on and I fell asleep. I woke up and I could not move at all. I could only see the side of the couch as if my head was tilted. I heard a door open and then foot steps, but I could not move. I thought someone drugged me. I thought maybe someone broke in knocked me out and drugged me. I could not move at all. I heard footsteps.. I heard doors, I called Rob is that you... I dont even think I could talk... but in my mind I was calling out to my husband... but then someone came toward me and sat next to me on the couch behind my head so i could not see them and he said to me - "I need you" I saw a glimpse of his head and it was black hair kinda spikey like he had gel in it.

It was so spooky and I am getting freaked out even writing this out. It was several years ago and I was not being a good Christian. I was dabbling in a lot of poor choices. I can't recall all of the details about me coming out of it but it was by far the most scariest thing I HAVE EVER FELT. -CS

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