Page Suggestions: Freemasonry

The Freeman Bloodline

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It is perhaps fine that Zionism be labelled evil. Zionism includes both Christians and Jews. To be a zionist is to identify oneself with a movement that the elite has set up and controlled for their purposes. Many in the Zionist movement are like common people everywhere, they want do to what is right, they have simply not gotten the bigger picture, and are being used. When two groups have some similarities but each want to keep their own identity they can be mortal rivals. One group that has been very easy for Satan to provoke against Christians is the Jews. Perhaps no group of people has hated Christians with more intensity. One of the first groups that Satan worked at controlling were the Jews. But to call the conspiracy Jewish is misleading. The father of it all is Satan. It is Satanic, and it will use anyone it can. And God will use anyone too. How many of us have escaped helping one cause or another of the establishment or in being in some organization that the establishment was using? Let each of us examine ourselves and get our own lives in order. There is a song about violin that was going to auctioned off cheap until a master violinist picked it up and played a good tune on it. Don’t auction people off cheaply, the touch of the Master’s hand can turn anyone into a beautiful thing. Don’t reject anyone who will let the Master’s hand tune his life. This is a war against evil, not race. Not everyone of the most evil bloodlines is on the enemies’ side. Many are trying to serve the Lord. Likewise, just because the Freeman family is one of the top 13 Satanic families doesn’t mean that all or even most Freemans are part of the hierarchy.

Gaylord Freeman As Grand Master

From 1918 to 1963, Jean Cocteau was Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion. Following the unification of the various powers into a secret NWO government in 1954, the Prieure de Sion had a major policy dispute. in 1963 with Cocteau’s death, Gaylord Freeman, helped by Antonio Merzagora and Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, governed the Prieure de Sion. In 1981, Pierre Plantard took over as Grand Master. In 1952, long before becoming Grand Master, Plantard de Saint-Clair transferred 100 million francs worth of gold igots to Switzerland to the Union des Banques Suisses. When this was publicly revealed, he said that it was a legitimate move made for the french government. In 1955, several men associated with the Prieure de Sion obtained some old parchments two of which gave the Merovingian genealogies, and they used the british Notary of Royal Appointment Patrick Francis Jourdan Freeman (that’s one name) in relation to a request to the French government to take the old documents to London, England where they were kept at 39 Great Russell St. Later P.F.J. Freeman was used again the next year to request that the documents be allowed to stay in England to be held in a safe deposit box at Lloyd’s Bank of Europe in London. One of the men involved went by the name Captain Ronald Stansmore Nutting of London (born in Dublin, IR) who is reported by reliable sources to have been in British Intelligence MI5, and had sat on the board of directors of at least 14 companies, including Arthur Guinness and Guardian Assurance. He was chairman of the board of the British and Irish Steam Packet Company. He was also governor of the Bank of Ireland. One of Guardian Assurance’s departmental chairmen was also an MIS operative besides Capt. Nutting. Another P.d.S. member who was with Nutting was Viscount Frederick Leathers, who was british Minister of War Transport during W.W. II. Viscount Leathers had a business associate and longtime friend Sir William.

Stephenson, who was the wartime chief for MI6’s american branch office called BSC (British Security Coordination) in New York. Another friend of Leathers was Connop Guthrie also headed BSC for MI-6 in New York. Guthrie was a shipping executive. Due to internal trouble in the Prieure de SIon that resulted from a rule that members had to place a birth certificate and signiture with the Priory, an Engiish faction created forgeries of birth certificates and signitures and in secret protest sent these as originals to France. PJ. Freeman then got involved in this act of defiance. Another division occured between the French members and the Brit.-American members. The french wanted more of a role and some type of restoration of the monarchy in a United Europe. The Amer.-British members who far outnumbered the few french wanted to skip the monarchy idea. The Vatican and the Prieure de Sion (P.d.S. - my personal abreviation) work together. Apparently, the Vatican is given some type of minor kickback for their cooperation. John Drick, A. Robert Abboud, and Gaylord Freeman were three members of the Prieure de Sion that were associated with the First National Bank of Chicago. John Drick had started as an assistent cashier in 1944 and became a vice-president three years later. In 1969 Drick became both the president and one of the directors of the bank. He also was on the board of a number of other companies including, Stephan Chemical, MCA incorporated, Oak Industries, and Central Illinois Public Service. The Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance (the Guardian Assurance) in London where P.J. Freeman worked had shared a building with the First National Bank of Chicago which had Gaylord Freeman as chairman of the board of directors. In other words, the two businesses and the two Freemans all connected its seems to the Prieure de Sion, and then by other inferences all connected back to the hierarchy. Gaylord Freeman’s signiture appeared on a Prieure de Sion document of Dec. 16, 1983. Gaylord Freeman never publicly admitted that he even knew anything about the P.d.S.

Grand Master Gaylord Freeman and Roger Freeman Instructed the U.S. Government

On the next page is a photocopy of the article that the New York Times ran when Gaylord (Gale) Freeman died. It has often been said if you want to know who really runs things, look at a man’s advisors. Now check this out, Gaylord Freeman never ran for any major political office--and the voting process is supposedly to get men who know what they are doing into omce, and yet if you read the N.Y. Times biography you will read "Mr. Freeman...was frequently called on by Washington for advice and assistance.’ Yes, Presidents and Congressman called Gaylord Freeman for advice (instructions might be a better term), and yet most of us haven’t even heard of the man! Again for those who think that only the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are powerful families, let me ask, why weren’t they calling Rockefeller? Not only did the Presidents turn to Gaylord Freeman for advice (orders), they also turned to anotber member of the family, Roger A. Freeman. Roger A. Freeman was a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute. (I suspect Roger was Jewish but the newspaper doesn’t say any religion.) The New York Times biographical news article that came out when Roger died is also put on the next page. Note that in the headline they emphasize that Roger Freeman played the role as advisor to 2 presidents. And yet I doubt that hardly any American has heard of him. One prominent Freeman, James D. Freeman has played a leadership role in Unity School. James Freeman has written at least six important books for Unity which they have published. Two of his works are Unity School and The Story of Unity. Had the article on spiritual warfare covered ritual sites in Kansas-Missouri I would have mentioned about the Unity School. Near (ajoining) the Unity School, in between Kansas City, Ks. and Kansas City, Mo. is a strip of wooded land. Little Ricky Rd. goes through this area, and the forest along Little Ricky Rd. has been used for Satanic rituals by a coven that was made up of adults not teenagers-Interestingly, a man who was part of the Unity School hierarchy, and came to Christ told me that the school secretly conducted Luciferian initiations and that Robert Schuller, 33° Mason, and leading Protestant clergyman knew all about Luciferian initiations being conducted there, yet Schuller went ahead and taught his principles of church growth to Unity School. They call the school Unity School of Christianity but a more accurate name would be Unity School of Witchcraft. Many witches have in fact been associated with the Unity Church and are closely working with it to secretly destroy Christianity. I know from inside information that the hierarchy is sending orders to the school, so it would not surprise me if James D. Freeman was actually part of the Freeman family that is one of the top 13 Illuminati families. Some of the family are clearly jewish, such as Ernest Robert Freeman, who lives in Maryland and is an important jewish leader. He has been the dlr. of the Jewish Community Council in his area, and President of the Sachs/Freeman Assoc. The Sachs family also ties into the conspiracy so that is interesting. And Grace Freeman, who is jewish, wrote Inside the Synagogue. Some of the Freemans are leaders in Christendom too. Lee Jackson Freeman is an American Baptist minister. He went to Union Theological Seminary, which is a totally ungodly place--they turn out socialists for graduates, etc. Lee Jackson Freeman was a member of the executive board of the national ministries of the American Baptist Church. He also served in the Ecumenical Ministries in his Scranton, PA area. R. Lexie Freeman is a Nashville, Tennessee Methodist pastor (Waverly Place) who is a Freemason.

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