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The Bible and Rock Music: Are they Compatible?
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Whose Music?
Writer: Amazing Discoveries | 25 May 2009 |
The Bible tells that we should test the spirits to see whether they are from God (1 John 4:1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.1 John 4 verse 1). Since the beginning, rock and roll has been connected to the powers of darkness. Even the phrase rock and roll finds its origins in immorality and perversion, which are some of Satan's favorite tools.
Take, for example, this excerpt from the magazine Ultrakill:
We've got Satan, Beelzebub, Satanial, the Serpent...and lord of misrule...But what about the musical connection with all of this? Well even before heavy metal the Devil took an interest in rock 'n roll. The very term rock 'n roll started life as a Black American expression for sex. And sinful procreation has been the Devil's province for a long, long time.[1]
What an admission! And this opinion that rock and Satan are old bed partners is not exclusive to magazine journalists. The musicians themselves are all too aware of this obvious connection. Consider these statements by David Bowie, one of the rock and pop industry's all time heroes:
I believe rock 'n roll is dangerous, it could very well bring about a very evil feeling in the west... it's got to go the other way now, and that's where I see it heading, bringing about the dark era... I feel that we are only heralding something even darker than ourselves. Rock 'n' roll lets in lower elements and shadows that I don't think are necessary. Rock has always been the Devil's music, you can't convince me that it isn't.[2]
In what ways can we consider rock and roll to be the devil's music?
The manager of the Rolling Stones said this:
Rock IS sex. You have to hit teenagers in the face with it![3]
The sexual message of the rock and pop music stands out like a beacon, proudly displaying the satanic colors of this industry. The Bible is more than clear about the sacred nature of sexual relations.
The history of the children of Israel speaks volumes about this important subject. Satan allured them to paganism through sexual perversion. Before they knew it, the Israelites were in so deep that they even began practicing homosexuality and bizarre occult orgies and ceremonies.
Rock has a very significant sexual element. All you have to do is turn on a music channel and you will see the language of sex spoken through fashion, suggestive actions, dance, imagery, musical atmosphere, and lyrics.
Elton John believes, quite unashamedly, that there is nothing wrong with going to bed with somebody of your own sex. David Lee Roth, former lead vocalist of Van Halen, proudly said,
"I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your little daughter."
In October of 1996, Madonna gave birth to her daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon. She stated that she had no intentions of marrying the girl's father, Carlos Leon. One article about Madonna says this:
Madonna whose suggestive videos have earned the wrath of religious groups, said she was not concerned her reputation as a sex queen would make it hard to raise her daughter. "I consider myself to be a very moral person."[4]
One wonders what moral guide Madonna is referring to when she asserts that she is a "very moral person," because, while she publicizes her morality, the interview goes on to say that she has no intention of toning down her bad-girl image now that she has become a mother.
George Michael is another of the "pop elite" who shows us the industry's lack of conscience. When asked if his sex life had improved as he got older, Michael said this:
Oh...yeah. It's not even a matter of getting better. It's a matter of me finally knowing what it is about and being with the right people and having the right sexual experience.[5]
Michael dedicated his latest album, Older, to a gay friend, fueling rumors about his sexual bias.[6]
Satan loves that we passively accept the media's distorted presentation of sex. Nearly every free moment we get finds us tuning in to that cherished television drama or music channel, which so often today, portrays couples in heated sexual embrace. And still, in self-righteous blindness, we convince ourselves that we are not watching because of the sex—it's just the story and the art that we enjoy. We become observers, congratulating ourselves that we do not actively get involved in such disgraceful conduct.
And still, in self-righteous blindness, we convince ourselves that we are not watching because of the sex—it's just the story and the art that we enjoy. We become observers, congratulating ourselves that we do not actively get involved in such disgraceful conduct.
Some viewers will tell you that TV keeps them from getting lonely, and that the evil portrayed in the program has no effect on their mature Christian minds. What happened to the company of God's Holy Word? What happened to desperately-needed hours of intense Bible study and fervent prayer?
[1]"The truth about the Devil," Ultrakill volume 3: back page.
[2] Rolling Stone Magazine (1972).
[3] TIME (April 28, 1967): 53.
[4] Sunday Argus (December 14/15, 1996).
[5] Sunday Times (November 17, 1996).
[6] Ibid. Jonathan Goldman, Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics (Healing Arts Press, 2002): 11.