Page updated 22 September 2018

Page Suggestions: Christian Music, Secular Music, The Order of the Illuminati

The Bible and Rock Music: Are they Compatible?

Page 4

We have fooled ourselves into believing that we can just walk off the playing field of life and take a seat in the grandstand as observers. But what God calls us to do is to walk right out of the stadium and join the ranks of those who keep themselves from being polluted by the world (James 1:27).

In fact, Jesus said that to even look at a woman in lust is to commit adultery (Matthew 5:28Bible quoteBut I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.Matthew 5 verse 28). When we watch TV, we take part mentally with the activities we are watching. By watching movies and shows full of nudity and sexual relations, we are mentally taking part in these activities. There's no such thing as "just an observer."

The Occult

Music and occult practices have always gone hand in hand:

The use of music in sacred ceremonies and shamanic rituals has occurred since ancient times. It has recently been verified that sounds can be used to effect and change our brainwaves. The changes of these rates crates changes in consciousness, allowing mystically altered states to be induced. The relationship between occult wisdom and sounds may at first seem far removed. Yet, in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt, Rome, Greece, Tibet, India and other centers of learning, knowledge of sounds was a highly refined science.[7]

Therefore, it is not surprising that the list of names of entertainers who have ventured into the occult reads like a "who's who" of the showbiz industry. Elvis, the Beatles, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Rush, Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/ DC, Sting, Linkin Park, Eminem, and Jay-Z are just a few of the musicians and groups who partake in Satan worship and sexual perversion.

Sting, when referring to the character he played in the movie Brimstone and Treacle, said,

"He's a kind of nice boy...well mannered but also quite nasty, one minute you're laughing, the next you're squirming. That's why I want to make the's closer to the real me."[8]

The same applied to the Feyd character he played in the movie Dune a year later:

I am Feyd...I'm very lucky that I can exercise my shadow, my demon, on screen. Most people have to repress any dark shadow that they have. I'm allowed to bring it out.

Both roles fit in perfectly with the "Prince of Darkness" label he was earning—and his music was heading in the same dark direction.

Who else is called the Prince of Darkness? It is not just the heavy metal segment of the industry that bears this trademark connection with the darker side. Satan is working hard to corrupt every facet of the pop and rock industry. You have heard it straight from the people themselves.

Aleister Crowley, the father of modern satanism, was not wrong when he revealed that he had put together a system of magic, which if ever combined with the power of music, could revolutionize the world. What makes Crowley's philosophy even more pertinent is the fact many musicians are followers of Crowley's satanic theology.

Ozzy Osbourne wrote a song about Crowley, and the Beatles featured Crowley on an album cover.

Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin had such a deep fascination with Crowley that he ended up buying the castle in England which, Crowley, his mentor, used to own. For a time he also operated one of the biggest occult bookstores in London.

Yes, the devil did take a very deep interest in rock and roll since the very beginning of its history, as Ultrakill magazine so aptly put it. In fact, rock and roll was his idea in the first place.


Blasphemy is saying false things about God. As Christians, we should be offended when people speak spanevil against our God. So what kind of witness are we when we rush out and buy the records of musicians who mock our loving Lord and Saviour? Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones, who wrote the song Sympathy for the Devil, had this to say about Jesus:

If Jesus had been indicted in a modern court, he would have been examined by doctors, found to be obsessed by a delusion, declared incompetent and incapable of pleading his case, and sent to an asylum.[9]

Ringo Starr said this when he was still with the Beatles:

We are not just anti-Christ...just anti-pope and anti-Christian. Jesus is dead.[10]

And he was not the only Beatle who dared verbalize his feelings so strongly. John Lennon wrote this in A Spaniard in the Works:

Jesus is a garlic-eating, stinking, little yellow, greasy fascist bastard, Catholic Spaniard.[11]

Derek Taylor, former press secretary for the Beatles declared this:

Here are four Liverpool lads who are rude, profane, vulgar, yet they have taken over the world. It is as if they have founded a new religion. They are completely anti-Christ. So much so, they shock me! This is not easy to do.[12]

[8] The World's Greatest Composers.

[9] William Foster, Toward Soviet America (California: Elgin Enterprises Inc.): 317.

[10] Playboy (February 1965): 58.

[11] John Lennon, A Spaniard in the Works (NY: Simon and Schuster): 14.

[12] Saturday Evening Post (August 8, 1964): 28.

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