Page updated 30 July 2016
Page Suggestions: Secular Music, The Order of the Illuminati
The Christian Music Industry
Sex, drugs, rock n'roll, and . . .the church?
Here is what some 'professing' Christian artists have been quoted as saying, click here
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The following is from David Wilkerson's sermon on "Counterfeit Christianity":
We've got Christian television stations and Christian television programs that prey before the church today a whole generation of CELEBRITY BELIEVERS who one day are standing up in a spiritual conference talking about how Jesus has saved them and the next time you'll hear about them they are on some dirty, filthy soap, they are on some filthy television program, they're in some 'R' rated movie and they are being applauded by the church. You see them in Las Vegas performing in night clubs. There's one Christian brother, if I named him you'd be shocked. He is considered one of the great celebrity Christians in America today but he goes to Las Vegas for two weeks every year with the news behind him. You see he holds prayer meetings after his show in his room and that's supposed to make everything alright. What's happened to separation, coming out from among them being separate and clean and not sitting in the seat of the scornful?

...Why is the church today polluted with absolute 'punk rock'? We have kids standing in pentecostal churches today dressed in tight spandex that have purple hair spiked out 12 feet tall. One group was in my office...they said they believed in Jesus...said they used to dress like that and now they are dressing like that for Jesus. The only thing that changed is that they put Jesus once in the same melodies. You know what they said to me? I got my Bible out and tried to go through it. They said they wanted help. You know what they told me after? None of these kids listen to old prophets like you anymore. They want the new prophets of this generation. Why are our kids now dancing in the isles to heavy metal in our churches? The kids dress, strum around in tight spandex pants, purple green hair and I mean dancing down the sanctuary isles with lust in their heart and calling it 'a spiritual experience.' Why is there no more difference between the ungodly and the religious in many Christian circles today?
You see, they have no sense of need. No need to repent. No need to change, nothing to lay down and forsake for Jesus. Just pick everything up and go with Jesus. You see, they don't see Jesus as an "emancipator" from sin. They see Him as an "enhancer" of their career and of their personality. . . I'll add Jesus. He'll help my career...
I hear Holy thunder in my soul. I hear God saying you don't sit in the seat of the scornful. I hear a scripture that says 'I will set no evil thing before my eyes.' I hear the word that says 'bring no abomination into Your house... you have to make a choice.
You know what shakes my soul to the very core? Jesus is speaking to those who call themselves believers but He is saying you're the devil. You are doing the lust of your father. You know what shakes me up? Because you could sit in this church tonight being blind to who you are and what you're doing making excuses saying 'That's not me. I love God. I'm not a fornicator...we're not committing say, it's an idol. I don't say it's an idol. I don't see it like you see it.'
I love Metal and Hardcore music and so that's what i write about. -Stephen Galiher, former TBN Pastor,
What kind of an attraction is that that you get angry at me for even talking about it?
You know that most of these rock groups, and I'm not just dealing with the rock groups, that are in the church, you know that they just use Jesus? Not one of them could make it in the secular world so what they do is they come into the house of God. They are third rate to start with and they come in and the shepherds are blind and they say if just one of us get them we are gonna lose the kids so they bring it into the house of God. They set up their entertainment...the shepherds are asleep...
...they allow this stuff in the church... You know what they do? They use Jesus,...and they use all these poor, blind, misguided teenagers in the church to walk on their backs, to give themselves a reputation and try to make it. I tell you, the first time CBS or anybody else would lay a contract down... they jump to get a contract... Many of them are doing it right now.
He said you are doing the deeds of your father. Jesus said 'I don't want anything to do with this business. You call this spirituality? No, it's of the devil,' Jesus said.
You can't correct them because they say 'I'm right. I don't care what you say. I don't care how you preach. I don't care how you prophesy. God told me it's alright...We won't be in bondage to you. You won't put a guilt trip on us.'
End of Wilkerson quote
I'm passionate about the music I personally listen to, if I'm going to live in Christ then what I hear should be what He would approve of. Music has a strong influence on the way people talk and act. I believe that how a man thinks in his heart so he'll be. -Unknown-
"There must always be a distinction between secular and religious music. Secular music speaks to the "emotions." The songs we hear in church must speak to the heart...
Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand. They think that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no! The church must NEVER sing its' melodies to the world...
Gold is good in its' place but when it becomes our 'master' it weaves a crown of thorns upon the brow that crushes even the strongest to the earth. Better a man without money than money without the man.
I sense the church will be closer to the world. I dread to think what the status may be fifty years from now, or one hundred. A nation will crumble without the foundation of good Christian homes.
I will tell you this. People get BAD THEOLOGY as much from HYMNS as they do from sermons. Martin Luther realized this." -Fanny Crosby, Christian Poet and Hymn Writer, (March 24, 1820 – February 12, 1915)-