Page Suggestions: false religions, salvation, spiritual warfare, Who is Jesus, witchcraft and the occult

General Curse Breaking and Denouncement Prayers

Page 5

Also poor eyesight, astigmatism, blindness and all eye trouble, glaucoma, diabetes, detached retina, cataracts, overeating, eating disorders, overweight, underweight, addictions, gluttony.

Also high cholesterol, heart disease and heart failure, congestive heart failure, heart conditions, murmurs, pain in the chest, false cardiac arrest, arrhythmia and other cardiac spirits, valve problems and hardening and thinning and blocking of the arteries and heart attacks and fear of all these. All blood clots and clotting, phlebitis.

Also bronchial and lung infections, asthma, poor lung capacity, emphysema, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis and hay fever.

Also curvature of the spine, scoliosis and other bone abnormalities, bone, joint or muscle infirmities, malfunctioningn organs.

Also cirrhosis of the liver, swelling, edema, itching, burning, infection, excess drainage, irritation and varicose veins. Also all chronic pain and pain in my body, including back problems, slipped discs, strains, sprains and back pain. Also deafness, hard of hearing, vertigo and troubles relating to ears and hearing, bone breaker, back breaker, traumatic shock and paralysis.

Also hemorrhoids, barrenness, impotency, sterility, miscarriage, muscle spasms, cramps, drowning, asphyxiation, smothering, fainting, suffering, coma, fits, convulsions, epilepsy, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, high and low blood pressure, gall bladder problems, kidney infection, liver flukes, all hepatitis, crippling pneumonia, psoriasis, acne, warts, moles, and fungus.

I break all curses of deformity, infirmity, sickness, arthritis, pain, swelling, infection, cancer, ulcer, tumor, cysts and weakness, over myself, my family and all future generations.

I denounce the following spirits: Lymphlumpe, Ludikie, Arrustuff, Cagumessa, Bobbennal, Erballian, Finhobul, all eel spirit from witchcraft, Aranoid, and Shablyan. I command that they come out of me harming no one and go to Jesus for Him to deal with as He wishes.

I pray healing in all these areas according to Isaiah. "By the stripes of Jesus I am healed" and I speak to every cell and the DNA and chromosomes in my body, commanding them to come into divine order as God intended now in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus for your healing touch!


In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses off my family line back to Adam, all curses off myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also Lord sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

Love of money, greed, covetousness, theft, stealing, using unjust scales, poverty, lack, moth, rust, mildew, not enjoying the fruits of one's labor.

I ask forgiveness for not paying all taxes due and for not tithing. I ask Lord that you would break all curses from Malachi for robbing you. Prevent pest from devouring the crops and the vines in our fields. i agree that I will pay you 10% of all my income to where your Holy Spirit tells me to, and to pay my taxes in an honest and honorable way.

Biblical Curses


Heavenly Father, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself, my family lineage on both sides going back to Adam for the sin of illegitimacy. I break all curses over myself, my family going back to Adam, and all future generations of illegitimacy, death, lust and poverty and being forbidden to enter the assembly of the Lord. I denounce the spirit of death, lust, poverty and isolation. Come out of me now and go to the pit of hell in the name of Jesus Christ.

Other Biblical Curses

I also ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and all my ancestors going back to Adam for the following sins, which bring curses. I humbly ask forgiveness and pray that in the name of Jesus these curses will be lifted off and all ties severed with any spirits. Sins of:

Cursing or mistreating Jews, being a deceiver, an adulterer, disobedient to the Lord's commands, idolatry, keeping cursed objects, running a brothel, not giving to the poor, disobedience, theft and swearing falsely by the Lord's name, failing to give glory to God, robbing God of tithes and offerings, placing a spouse or children first instead of God, dishonoring parents, worshipping idols, cheating people out of property, killing and poisoning relatives, taking advantage of the blind, oppressing strangers, widows or orphans. Also sleeping with a father's wife, a sister or an animal. Hurting neighbors secretly, taking money to slay the innocent, pride, trusting in man and not the Lord, doing the work of the Lord deceitfully, repaying good with evil, illegitimate children, children born from incestuous unions, murder, murder indirectly, striking parents, kidnapping, cursing one's parents, causing the unborn to die, not preventing death, involvement in witchcraft, sacrificing to false gods, following horoscopes, rebelling against pastors, turning people away from the Lord, false prophecy, not keeping virginity until marriage, not disciplining children, honoring children above God, cursing those in authority over us (governemnt or rulers), teaching rebellion against the Lord, refusing to warn of sin, sacrifice of animals or humans, participate in séances, necromancy and fortune telling, homosexual and lesbian relations, blaspheming the Lord's name. Also not obeying your laws and not giving your name the awesome reverence it deserves.

I ask specifically that all death curses be broken now off myself and all future generations, in the name of Jesus Christ. I also break all iniquity curses and Deuteronomy 28 curses off myself and all future generations now in Jesus name.

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