Page Suggestions: false religions, salvation, spiritual warfare, Who is Jesus, witchcraft and the occult

General Curse Breaking and Denouncement Prayers

Heavenly Father, I come before you now to ask forgiveness for the following areas of my life.

Also, I come before you on behalf of my ancestors on my father and mother's lineage going all the way back to Adam and my children to ask forgiveness for sins in the following areas. (Exodus 10:5Bible quoteAnd they shall cover the face of the earth, that one cannot be able to see the earth: and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remaineth unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field:Exodus 10 verse 5)

When I speak it out, Lord, I pray that you would forgive me and my ancestors and put these sins under the precious blood of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I pray also that you would break the curses in each of these areas over me, my family back to Adam on both sides of my family, including my parents and any other ancestors of mine or my spouse, any and all ex-spouses, their parents or any of their ancestors and all future generations in the name of Jesus Christ.

False Religion

In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses off my family line back to Adam, all curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also, please sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

False religion, doctrinal error, spirits of dognma, legalism, unbelief, doubt, rejection of God, anger at God, unbelief in God's Word as Holy Spirit inspired truth, unbelief in God's power, unbelief that Jesus Christ is God, unbelief in Christ's death and resurrection, unbelief in the finished work of Jesus at Calvary, rejection of grace, striving to win God's love, striving to reach holiness and perfection in one's own effort, striving to reach heaven based on merit and good works.

Also hypocrisy, religious bondage, religious slavery, religious murder, lust and ambition for recognition, lust and ambition for position, lust and ambition for power and control in religious matters, Jezebel and Ahab, FALSE love, FALSE gifts, FALSE tongues, FALSE discernment, FALSE word of wisdom, FALSE prophesy, FALSE laying on of hands, religious dominance, self serving, selfishness, greed, no love, religious coldness, no compassion, robbing, cheating, pretense, false oaths, blockages, rigid theology, obstructionism, hatred of truth, anti-semitism, anti-catholic, anti-protestant, judgmental, lying, gossip, slander, division, criticism, stealing, cursing, daggers and backbiting.

I denounce all religions that do not accept Jesus Christ as Lord, and break their hold in Jesus name on my life and all future generations:

Aetherius Society, American Indian Religions, Ascended Masters, Assembly of Yahweh, Edgar Cayce, Bahai Faith, Black Magic, Buddhism, Christian Science, Church of Armageddon, Church of Bible Understanding, Church of the Living Word, Church Universal and Triumphant, A Course in Miracles, Eckankar, Est, Esalen Institute, The Farm, Guided Meditation, Mormonism, New Age, Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, Holy Order of MANS, Rastafarianism, Rev. Ike, Rosicrucianism, Kabala, Self-Realization Fellowship, Sikh Foundation, Swedenborgaianism, TM, UFOs, Unification Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, Macumba, Voodoo, Santeria, Witchcraft, Wicca, Worldwide Church of God, Science of the Mind, Islam, Muslim, International Community of Krishna Consciousness, Hinduism, Theosophy, Religious Science, Scientology, Jehovah Witness, Jean Dixon, and Silva Minda Control, Mind Control, Mind occult, Yoga and all false Christian sects.

I cut all soul ties with the founders of these religions, the priests and leaders and with all spirits behind these religions. I denounce the spirit of false religion and all spirits under it.


I humble myself before you Lord. I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for sins of pride, stiff nect pride, pride of life, physical pride, pride of intellect, spiritual pride, love of the world, superiority, inferiority, revenge, judgment, comparison, joy of evil, delight of evil, arrogance, smugness, cunning, trickery, deceit, deception and lies.

I specifically denounce Leviathan (King of Pride) and remove now any crown of pride. I break all curses in thse areas over myself, my family and all future generations. I ask forgiveness for any areas of taking your glory on myself. Let me do all things for the glory of God.


In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses off my family line back to Adam, all curses off myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also Lord sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

Willful disobedience, apathy, lethargy, being lukewarm, refusing to submit to GOd's authority, refusing to submit to government authority, pastoral authority, husband's authority, or parental authority. I ask forgiveness for any dishonoring of my mother and father.

Also rebellion, self-righteous, idolatry, being un-teachable, defensive, argumentative. Also anarchy, destruction, chaos, theft and stealing.


In the name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke, break and loose myself and my family from any and all evil curses, fetishes, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, every jinx, all psychic powers, sorcery, bewitchments, enchantments, witchcraft, love potions and psychic prayers which have been put upon us, back to Adam on both sides of the family and off all future generations.

I break and loose myself from any connected spirits, from person or persons, and from any occult practice or psychic source.

In the name of Jesus I now renounce, break, free and loose myself and my family from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers and bondage of physical and mental illness, family and marital and other curses upon us, back to Adam on both sides of our families resulting from sins, transgressions, iniquities, or occult and psychic involvement of myself, my parents and any other ancestors of mine or my spouse, any and all ex-spouses, or their parents or any of their ancestors and over all future generations in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also Lord sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

Divination and seeking guidance through witchcraft and occultic practices, including: ouija board, charming, séances, necromancy, crystal balls, phrenology, palm reading, astrology (renounce and cut off your birth sign), horoscopes, fortune telling, visionary dreams, runes, reading coffee grounds and tea leaves, dripped wax or bones.

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