Page Suggestions: false religions, salvation, spiritual warfare, Who is Jesus, witchcraft and the occult

General Curse Breaking and Denouncement Prayers

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In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also Lord sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

Murder, revenge, retaliation, jealousy, abortion, self harm, cutting, suicide, suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts, infanticide, Molech, child sacrifice, fratricide, ritual murder and gang murder.

I denounce all books, jewelry, inanimate objects, figurines or any occult related items over myself and my ancestors.


In the name of Jesus, I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for the following areas of sin. I also ask Lord, that you would break all curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas. Also Lord sever all soul ties as I denounce any spirits attached to these areas:

Adultery, separation, divorce, infidelity, immorality, curses of having bad marriages or failed marriage. Also incest, molestation, rape, all spirits of lust, all sex spirits which entered through the eyes, ears, or any orifice by participation, transfer or inheritance. I ask forgiveness for any involvement in going to strip clubs or viewing pornography in movies, magazines, video or television. Also all sexual relations with prostitutes or involvement in prostitution.

Also guilt, shame, condemnation, pornography, homosexuality, lesbianism, sex perversion of all kinds, bestiality, sodomy, masochism, sadism, promiscuity, fornication, masturbation, transvestitism, occult sex, prostitution, harlotry, whoredom, uncleanness, defilement, filth, filthy dreams, filthy conversation, illicit sex, filthy imaginations, sexual flashbacks, sexual fantasies, frigidity, impotence, sterility, cruelty, incubus, succubus, lasciviousness, lewdness, nudity, flirting, seduction, lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh, bloodlust, lust for power, position, wealth, fame, and money. Come out of the sex organs, the lips, the tongue, the taste buds, throat and mind in Jesus name.

Isolation and Loneliness

I ask forgiveness for sins of myself and my ancestors back to Adam that allowed the following spirits in and cut off all curses over myself and all future generations in the area of:

Isolation, loneliness, wandering, exile, toil, idleness, sloth, desolation, not enjoying the fruits of one's labor and ruination. Also grief at loneliness. I break all curses of divorce, banishment, execution, excommunication and dis-inheritance. I break all curses of Cain and curses associated with the repaying of good with evil, a vagabond spirit, off myself, my family back to Adam and all future generations.


I separate Jezebel and Ahab and forbid them to communicate or hinder this deliverance in any way in Jesus' name. I break all curses of Jezebel back over all ancestors on both sides and over myself, my family and all future generations. In the name of Jesus Christ, I cut, sever and break all cords, snares, controls and bondages used by these evil spirits. Father, send angels to break all yokes of bondage to Jezebel and Ahab spirits.

I command the Mother-child relationship to be broken and all Ahab and Jezebel patterns in marriage. Asking forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam for sins that allowed the following spirits in, severing all soul ties, and breaking al curses over myself, my family and all future generations in the following areas or with the following spirits:

Jezebel, manipulation, queen of Heaven, queen of Babylon, hatred of men, rebellion towards men, father, husband, male authority, God. Also, domination, masculine spirits, untamed tongue, temper, destruction of Family Priesthood and Women's Lib. Also Ahab, Nimrod, Baal, passivity, laziness, hatred of women, mother, wife, fear of women, childishness, cowardice, hidden anger, sluggard, self-hatred, confusion and misogyny.

Also every automatic failure mechanism, discouragement, failure and worthlessness.


Addiction rooted in rejection: gluttony, overeating, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, binging, purging, addiction and craving for food, sweets and fat.

All addiction and craving for and bondage to alcohol including beer, wine and strong drink. I denounce the alcoholic syndrome.

I break all curses of hangover, morning after the night before, stupor, deception and stupidity, dishonoring the body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. Also slow death.

All addiction to and craving for bondage to all drugs, legal and illegal: heroin, barbiturates, marijuana, speed, uppers and downers, hypnotic drugs, LSD, hallucinogenic drugs, drug peddling, making drugs, opium, acid, PCP, cocaine, spray paint, methadone, psychotropic drugs, morphine, glue, crack, ice, bootlegging, hash, psycho activating drugs, Valium, Paxil, angel dust, Librium, lithium, Ritalin, mushrooms, all designer drugs, Demerol. Also nicotine and caffeine.

New Age

I ask forgiveness on behalf of myself and my ancestors back to Adam and cut off all curses over myself, my family back to Adam and over all future generations in the areas of:

Yoga, tantric yoga, TM, martial arts and martial arts meditation, psychometry, clairvoyance, precognition, voodoo, hoodoo, visualization, guided imagery, pyramid power, holistic health practices, psychic healing, psychics, materialization, eastern meditation, healing magnetism, hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, self-hypnosis, trances, levitation, mantras and other chants, I Ching, parapsychology, clairaudience, clairvoyance, mental telepathy, teleportation, interpreting and reading aura colors, telekinesis, psycho kinesis, pyrokinesis, biorhythms, biofeedback, psychic transfer of power, seeing into and through objects, ability to cause electro/mechanical malfunctions, apportation, numerology, hypnotic "past life" experiences and "past life therapy", ESP, astral travel, astral projection, spirit guides and contacting "ascended masters."

I denounce all submission to occult practices over myself and al my ancestors: acupuncture, acupressure, massages rooted in the occult, Karate, Tai Chi, all the martial arts. I denounce all spirits in this area including (Yoga) Kundalini, vital breath or Prana, universal life force or Brahma, kiyai, the seven chakras, Chi, Prince of the Power of the Air, Vishnu and Shiva and break all soul ties with the founders of these sects including O'senei, Jogoro Kano, Buddha and Bodhidharma, and the honorable master — sensei. I denounce all mantras and the yell "kiyai".

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