Page updated 17 January 2017
Page Suggestions: Prayer for Salvation, Salvation
Bible Facts: What does the Bible say about Sin
Part 2
What is this thing called sin?
Writer: Billy Graham | 1991 |
We have seen the progression of the "father of lies." He began in Eden. He was behind each of the major crises of faith and obedience down through the centuries. And he still deceives gullible men and women of every age.
An old Scottish clergyman said the devil has two lies that he uses at two different stages. Before we commit a sin, he tells us that one little sin doesn't matter - "no one will know." The second lie is that after we've sinned he tells us we're hopeless. We have all fallen, individually and collectively, and God does not consider this a trifling matter. Judgment hangs over the whole human race because of rebellion and disobedience. The Scripture says,
Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.
Romans 5:12 (NIV)Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.Romans 5 (KJV) verse 12
Man's direct disobedience resulted in the judgment God placed on the human race. Each person must give an account of himself to God.
As sin has progressed and gained momentum, modern man seems to have lost his ability to be shocked. Behavior that was once considered abominable is now acceptable. One thing is certain, however. There are many new sinners today, but there aren't any new sins, just the old ones clothed in different rags. . . . .where can the moral code be found?
The good news is because Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and rose from the dead, we are not in a hopeless position. We can be reconciled to God and put back in right relationship with Him by accepting His provision for sin, His Son Jesus Christ.
God does not offer "Band-Aids when you are bleeding to death, but He gave a life-saving transfusion, the blood of His Son. God is not responsible for sin, but His love led Him to send His Son to die for our sins.
Look, Father, look on His beloved face
And only look on us as seen in Him.
Look not on our misusing of Thy grace
Our prayer so languid and our faith so dim
For, lo, between our sins and their reward,
We place the passion of Thy Son, our Lord.
Excerpt from HOPE for the Troubled Heart, pages 54-57.
Some common sins today. Read more on our Bible Facts page.
Sin is an inside job. -Adrian Rogers, How to Break Satan's Strongholds in your Life-
- The Sin of Adultery
- The Sin of Anger
- The Sin of Fornication
- The Sin of Fortune Telling
- The Sin of Homosexuality
- The Sin of Idolatry
- The Sin of Lying and Gossiping
- The Sin of Pride
- The Sin of Witchcraft