Page updated 20 July 2016

Page Suggestions: Boycott TBN, False Prophets, False Prophet List, Matt Dentino, My story

Marty Layton's false prophecies to me

Read another false prophecy from Marty, God Will Do It Again.

****My Public Statement (video)****

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June 17, 2011 False Prophecy

Audio only version [mp3 audio file]

Later on June 17, 2011 he prophesied to me again (video on right). It was not God speaking. It was Marty Layton speaking. All the confusion and disarray he claimed to be coming into my life was all created by himself...a scheme between him and Matt Dentino. This is the video that Marty Layton has forced off the internet twice now because HE and MATT DO NOT WANT YOU TO HEAR IT!

When I asked Marty to pray with me about a physical illness that I have been battling for many years he hesitated. He did not have a clue about it. He said "Is it a tick? I see a tick." Well, no. He said "I believe that you are getting better." Well, no, I am not. Not whatsoever. Nothing this man ever said to me was true!

Immature, Cowardly, Inappropriate, UNChristian

Marty did not speak to me for 3 weeks. I made attempts to speak with him but he would avoid me. So a week prior to the last evening I came to the service I had asked God to please make Marty speak to me 'IF' he was truly from Him. As I walked into the auditorium lobby, Marty and I came face to face all alone. He nearly brushed my arm walking by me but said nothing. He offered only an evil grin on his face. Little did I know he was arranging to have me removed by force. I realized at that very moment that God had just answered my prayer... -Timeline of Events-

In spite of my answered prayer I felt somewhat obligated to awaken Matt to the truth about Marty. I never could have imagined that Matt was just as evil, or secretly illuminati and plotting to do evil against me. My hopes and prayers are for Matt to come to the saving knowledge of the truth.

When God is involved then nothing man does can change anything but here we see the work of divination...Marty and demons intervened. Either Matt was having supernatural experiences or he was pretending to be having them. Matt's feet became 'unbolted' and his life turned around near the time Marty said but it had nothing to do with me except for my harm. Matt's feet turned around to follow Satan's new one world religion. Matt never came back to me. He was turned against me with deep hatred. All hell broke loose. The timing issue was in regards to Matt and his connection with the illuminati. It appeared that Matt was paid off after deceiving me and leading me into this trap. Marty CREATED FALSE PROPHECIES and Matt's dreams to come true for Matt just like the devil does for people to lure them into his camp, and all the while he was creating horror to come to me. People have NO SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT to recognize the demonic intervention or how these so called prophecies were faked and staged. People's eyes have been blinded just like in some end times movie flick. People are willing to follow anybody who will tell them what they want to hear. They do not care if it came from the devil or not just as long as it feeds their fleshly desires.

The most striking points which stood out for me that made me recognize that Satan was the author of all of this mess was the hatred building up in Matt. The anger, the confusion, the chaos, the division, the lying, the broken and damaged relationships that occurred not only between me and Matt but between many people and then forcing me out of church. God would never do any of these things or create such a mess. God does not throw people out of church. God is not a a divider. He is a UNITER. (Romans 16:17Bible quoteNow I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.Romans 16 verse 17) God is not a God of any of these terrible things. If Matt were a true Christian man that he wants people to believe he is then he would have discussed with me without fear what Marty spoke to me. Evil people keep such secrets and operate in silence. To discuss any of this with me would have been 'testing the spirits' which the Bible says to do (1 John 4:1Bible quoteBeloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.1 John 4 verse 1). If he had any genuine spiritual discernment from God then he would have discerned the evil spirits operating in Marty to create this mess. But instead, Matt schemed in secret with Marty to do away with me and then moved to the next town. He lied to others about everything and was too coward to face me.

From the very first day that I met Marty I was listening and observing. One evening while I was talking with Marty I noticed that he was looking at my chest. That was very disrespectful for someone who was supposed to be a man of God to do. I questioned the prophecy and Marty realized that I was not that gullible so he began backing off from me.

Seek and Destroy

From this point forward after both men had a private talk about me I became an object to be destroyed. I kept telling people at TBN that something was wrong but no one would believe me.

One week before Matt and Marty had me arrested, Matt was accusing me of being evil and using witchcraft on him. He called me 'nosey' saying what they talked about regarding me behind my back was none of my business. When I told him that I wanted to discuss what Marty had told me he said that he did not care. When I said that something strange was going on that Marty was not talking to me Matt said he agreed with him. Instead of being angry with Marty, Matt was angry with me saying that "prophecies are conditional" which is NOT true according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 18:22Bible quoteWhen a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.Deuteronomy 18 verse 22). Instead of admitting that Marty was a fake, Matt embraced Marty and called him his "leader." Matt stated that I was going against "the leader."

Excerpts of my conversations with Matt Dentino

And the LORD hath given me knowledge of it, and I know it: then thou shewedst me their doings. But I was like a lamb or an ox that is brought to the slaughter; and I knew not that they had devised devices against me, saying, Let us destroy the tree with the fruit thereof, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may be no more remembered. Jeremiah 11:18-19

I must have been the lamb.

These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling [words], FLATTERING people to gain advantage. But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who CAUSE DIVISIONS, not having the Spirit. Jude 1:16-19

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