Page updated 26 Nov 2015

Page Suggestions: Boycott Trinity Broadcasting Network, Emails, My story

Timeline of events

****My Public Statement (video)****

Page 4

~I decided to go to the service. I came at the last minute because I did not want Matt to see me and leave. A week earlier I asked God to make Marty talk to me if he was a real prophet because I did not want to make a false accusation against him and if he was not real to expose him. I really liked Marty and Tracy and have been very hurt by all of this. I have really cried over it because I did not want to believe anything bad about these people but the evidence was unmistakable and continuing to build. Well, the moment I walked into the lobby of the main auditorium I passed Marty. He had not spoken to me for a while, but this was the first time in passing within a foot of each other that he never spoke a word to me. He just glared at me and smiled. I spoke but never smiled because I was feeling so hurt and put out. But I continued to walk into the auditorium and I sat as far back as I could keeping to myself. I noticed that Matt was still seated in MY SEAT. I found something so significant and eerie about that after being watched by him, then taking over my seat and putting me out of the church. After I sat down I began sending a text message and email because the service had not yet begun. It was 7:27 p.m. and generally the band would be playing. Little did I know what Marty had planned for me. He was calling the guard to have me taken out.

Less than five minutes in my seat the TBN guard came and asked me to leave. Matt watched me being escorted out and he did nothing to stop it. Once I was outside the guard asked me to leave the property altogether. This was when I really began to get angry. I said that I was not leaving until Matt came out because I wanted to know what was going on. He said "No, you have to leave right now or I will call the police." I refused to leave the outside public property when I was not doing anything wrong. All I did was walk into a church service quietly and sit down all alone. I have always been peaceful and have never heard of anyone in my entire life being forced to leave a church service. This was unAmerican and unChristian. The police arrived and again demanded that I leave the property.

Two TBN employees that I know came to the scene and I kept asking why I was being forced to leave because I felt that this was a plot by Marty Layton and Matt Dentino (Proverbs 24:8-9Bible quote(verse 8) He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.

(verse 9) The thought of foolishness [is] sin: and the scorner [is] an abomination to men.Proverbs 24 verses 8-9
). No one could give me an answer. All they kept saying was "I don't know. Marty just doesn't want you here." This situation SMELLS OF JEZEBEL!

jezebels tactics

19. Uses the element of surprise - A Jezebel’s main thrust is to be in control, and a large part of control is catching you off guard. Therefore, the element of surprise works well when he shows up a day early for a meeting, etc.

22. Is vengeful - Since a Jezebel is never wrong, if you contradict or confront one, get ready to become his worst enemy. As long as you are in agreement with him, all is fine. But if you confront or challenge him, then look out. You are the target of his fiercest venom. A Jezebel will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation. -Steve Sampson, "Confronting Jezebel-

I tried to tell people going into the service and the few that I knew that something was wrong in that church but the police did not want me to talk.

Well, I just spoke with both of these TBN employees earlier in the day while I was walking the grounds. I would see one of them almost everyday when I walked. He was previously trying to get me to come back to the services but neither one of these people told me that Marty would have me arrested if I came to the service. I was setup for this.

I refused to leave the outside property so the police handcuffed me, searched me, and frisked me like I was a criminal. I was totally humiliated while Matt and Marty laughed behind TBN's doors for the success of their filthy scheme. The fact that Marty Layton and Matt Dentino did this underhanded, evil thing to me proved to me that neither one of these men belong to God. Marty Layton was a false prophet. God answered my prayer that evening standing in the lobby of the auditorium.

The police took me to jail, booked me, fingerprinted me, took my picture, my money, my jewelry, my phone, and all my belongings from me. They were about to take my clothes. I was bawling the entire time. They strapped me to a chair and refused to allow me to make a phone call for over four hours. The night supervisor told me that he did not agree with the way I had been treated but there was nothing he could do about it. My mother phoned Matt to question him about what was going on and to see if he would help her get me out. Matt answered the phone and listened to my mother cry but he would not talk to her.

~I phoned Trinity Broadcasting Network in Santa Ana, California and was connected with their attorney, John Casoria. He asked me to write out a detail of events so I did.

~Russell Hall, General Manager of TMC/TBN telephoned me to discuss my letter he received from John Casoria. He said that he and John talked about it and they talked to the employees at the Hendersonville facility about me. Russell stated that NO ONE had any issues with me. All the employees said I was friendly. Russell told me that he and John did not see where I had done anything wrong and that I could come onto the property anytime I want to. He said that I could walk all day long if I wanted to. He was not even sure that Marty was allowed to kick me out of the services that way. He told me that I could call or come and see him anytime I wanted to. He said that Marty was not affiliated with TBN in any way. He only rented the auditorium – TBN was his landlord.

~I went back to TBN for the first time since having been arrested so I could walk. I asked to speak with Russell Hall but was first told to check back in an hour. I checked back in an hour and then was told that he was off the property for the rest of the day.

~I went walking again at TBN and while I was walking Matt drove right by me. He knew I was there because of my car. He drove by me slowly and then turned into the Baptist Church next door. I again asked to speak with Russell Hall and this time was told that he was unavailable for the day. I again began to realize that now Russell Hall was avoiding me for some reason and I was shaking inside with terror of why I was still being stalked.

~First court hearing. I was told to expect this crazy case to be dismissed and expunged off my clean record but was told I had to go back to court the next month. After my court hearing I phoned TBN to speak with Russell Hall and was told to call back in an hour. I told Tammy Barati that I needed written proof of my permission to be on the property. When I phoned back then I was put through to his voicemail so I left a message but Russell never returned my call. No one from TBN would give me written proof to be on the property.

~I emailed John Casoria's secretary inquiring about a written letter stating that I could be on the property.

~I never heard from John's secretary so I phoned her and getting a bit agitated she restated that I can be on the property any time I want to. She said my attorney should already know that unless there is some written order/legal document stating that I cannot be on the property. She says that she is not aware of there being any and both TBN’s attorney and Russell agree that there is no reason why I cannot be on the property.

She [John Casoria's secretary] told me that if Matt or Marty bother me to call 911. How could I call 911 when the police were bought off?

By the end of August I realized that Matt not only moved out of the church across the street from TBN but he moved to the next town. In July Marty prophesied to Matt that God was getting his church "leadership" together. Matt suddenly had a new job, his own church and soon moved into a building that no pioneer church could ever afford. Matt who cared nothing about the latest electronics seemed to be rolling in dough from somewhere and replaced his simple cell phone with an Android. Where was all this money coming from? How much was Matt paid to pull off this dirty act against me? What dark secrets lie within the walls of TBN? If you research Matt's new church you will find people with occult connections as part of his leadership, just like Marty.

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