Page updated 26 Nov 2015

Page Suggestions: Boycott Trinity Broadcasting Network, Emails, My story

Timeline of events

****My Public Statement (video)****

Page 5

~After work I decided to go to the large Baptist church next door to TBN so I could walk the grounds there. I was there for a couple of hours but when I was getting in my car to leave I discovered that Marty Layton found me there and had been stalking me for I do not know how long. He had parked near me, drove out in front of me and was headed out the back way from the church toward the back entrance to TBN. I was not far behind him. He pulled in TBN in the back where he always parked. He watched me drive away.

~After work I ran into Tammy Barati, a TBN employee. She asked me how I was doing and I asked her if Marty ever gave a reason for what he did. She said "No, and everybody is in a quandary over this."

~Second court hearing. Neither Matt nor Marty ever showed up in court either time. The arresting officer never came either. I was discussed behind closed doors and never allowed to speak in court at all. The judge was an idiot and my PD was too. My conversation with the PD only went in circles.

He [the PD] THREATENED ME with a jury trial for which would have been 'fixed' to send me away to prison indefinitely. All because I attended a church service?

This crooked PD should have had his license to practice law taken away indefinitely! These men were paid off and when I accused the PD of being paid off he never denied it. Marty Layton and the local law went over TBN's ruling.

The [PD] said and I quote "TBN has NO AUTHORITY over their own property." -Private vs Public Property-

The very same false accusations that Matt placed on me were coming out of this PD's mouth. The plot was obvious and the law was crooked. Where do you go when the law has been paid off to harm you?

I phoned John Casoria's office, TBN's in house attorney, and told his secretary what Marty did and she said they would investigate this because this was not at all anything they have done.

Over the next few months TBN stopped emailing me their monthly newsletters and other local correspondence. The ladies I talked to at the TBN gift shop blocked me on Facebook. And I caught Matt and Marty stalking me around town a couple of times including outside my home but the police have been protecting these preachers instead of me.

The police would not allow me to get a restraint order against these men. They said that stalking me was allowed.

~I spoke with John Casoria's secretary. She stated to me that there was some kind of "misunderstanding" between Marty Layton and the police. But there was no "misunderstanding." Marty Layton paid off the local police and the judge to do me in.

~I informed John Casoria's secretary that I was done with being strung along. TBN made promises to do something about this saying they did not agree with it but yet they never did anything at all. John's secretary kept telling me how busy John was. Well, this was probably true because Brittany Crouch Koper was coming out exposing all the corruption from the inside at the same time. John Casoria may be facing prison in the near future.

~My case with TBN was officially closed and my record was cleared of this garbage. However, the damages done to me by these two demon possessed preachers has been unbearable and unrecoverable.

[[[A Psalm] of David.]] Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. Psalm 37:1

Don’t fret because of evildoers; don’t envy the wicked. For evil people have no future; the light of the wicked will be snuffed out...A judge who says to the wicked, "You are innocent," will be cursed by many people and denounced by the nations. Proverbs 24:19-20, 24 (NLT)Bible quote(verse 19) Fret not thyself because of evil [men], neither be thou envious at the wicked;

(verse 20)For there shall be no reward to the evil [man]; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

(verse 24)He that saith unto the wicked, Thou [art] righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him.Proverbs 24 (KJV) verses 19-20, 24

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