Page updated 23 October 2016

Page Suggestions: Boycott TBN, False Prophets, False Prophet List, Marty Layton

False Teacher Matt Dentino


Matt's religion is POLITICS

****My Public Statement (video)****

NOTE: For better organizational purposes, I have moved all the political information to a new page. To read more click here. -Admin-

The Political Deception

Matt obviously desires to bring religion and politics together which is the agenda of the antichrist to create the one world church.

One cannot be affective on the mission field if they are themselves still torn between national pride (patriotism) and the cross of Christ. -Christopher Gregory-

Matt professes to be against Obama's political views however, he stands behind and supports Kim Clement who falsely prophesied that Obama is God's Man. Many political leaders (David Barton, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh) that Matt associates himself with are ANTI-CHRISTIAN, GLOBALISTS, DOMINIONISTS, and RECONSTRUCTIONISTS, working towards the new world order.

Matt is also a former employee of CBN and strong supporter of Pat Robertson who is a big proponent of ECUMENISM. This is deceptive, split loyalties in politics and with God.

Read more about the Black Robe Regiment, the Tea Party, and how the religious and political movements are teaming up. Matt is a leader in this movement.

NOTE: We at POR do not endorse Christopher Gregory. He calls himself a 'prophet' too and he is not! -Admin-

Matt Dentino My story