Page Suggestions: Freemasonry, The Order of the Illuminati

Mass Mind Control: Calculated Victim Mentality

Writer: Mary Louise | 19 February 2007 |

There is an organized group of extremely wealthy and secretive individuals who want world government, a centralized financial dictatorship, a micro-chipped society based on constant surveillance of all kinds and a frightened, docile, subservient people who give their power away to the 'authorities' to save them, from what they have been manipulated to fear. It is imperative each person recognize this scam for what it is and depart from the prepared script, refusing to consent to the imposed reality of these self-designated rulers of our planet. The Overlords of the Elite have worked very hard to convince the masses that a centralized global system is the only solution to many devised problems (problem-reaction-solution) carried out by obsequious PUPPETS, who serve their masters well.

"The Circle" or network of interconnected bloodlines and intergenerational satanism view ordinary people with contempt and terms such as "useless eaters" who use up resources or "cannon fodder" expendables, make it painfully clear the majority of people are targeted as victims.

We must reject the victim mentality they feed on and let them go hungry for a change.

Mass Control: Engineering of Human Consciousness by Jim Keith, is an overview of the weapons and methods used to enslave and perpetuate crimes against humanity through the calculated perversion of psychology, education, genetics, eugenics, cybernetics, and other sciences. It is a sobering account of academic, institutional, and government criminality and provides insight on the twisted ambitions and shameful behavior of the Controllers. Divide and conquer is the name of the game of the "enlightened" ones at the top of the pyramid, who viciously use others while expecting blind obedience that never questions authority. They are always the ones who stand to gain or benefit from the chaos they create. The Illuminati exists.

One may choose to remain in denial about this fact to their own peril or one may acknowledge it to better understand why there is so much trouble in the world. Until people care enough to do some serious investigating on their own and get mad enough to do something about what they find in putting the pieces of the puzzle together, the slicers and dicers will keep on doing what they do while laughing all the way to the bank. So much has been written about them throughout history that ignorance is not an excuse to be unaware of their sinister schemes and influence on society. Their roots go way back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism joined together into occult discipline based on foundational practices. Sophisticated mind control techniques are also used on their own members in addition to teaching various metaphysical phenomena, including creating multiple personality disorder (MPD) among their people. What the outside world sees is not the whole story, there is a hidden side. It is because of the efforts and risks of many brave individuals who had nothing to gain personally, we are able to know things that otherwise would have been kept hidden from the public. If someone is discredited, it is probably because they are telling the truth and exposing the scoundrels for what they really are. Sometimes the truth hurts, especially if someone has done or is doing something very wrong. Of course they don't want to be found out, but since it is too late for that the guilty parties resort to 'damage control.' Remember, these are not nice people and they always protect their interests. Besides, they aren't worried when they are exposed because they are counting on the majority to not believe it.

Alberto Rivera was privy to all kinds of information from a high-level insiders position and having had the opportunity to attend a meeting where he spoke about his experiences, which is documented in an illustrated format of his life, I can say he is a humble and gentle person who has put his life on the line to inform others. You can meet Alberto and read his true life story online by clicking on [webpages no longer available!].

You may or may not be shocked at what he has to say but you may also learn something you didn't know. Anyway, why would he make it up? Backing up Alberto's testimony, Eric Jon Phelps details the long-suppressed dark history of the Jesuits, in his book Vatican Assassins. You can read a small portion of the book and view a chart that may be of help at

Or listen free online to past interviews Eric had with Jeff Rense and Alex Merklinger on this subject, as well as other interesting speakers and topics at this website:

Having heard the interview between Eric Jon Phelps and Jeff Rense awhile ago, it is definitely worth the time to listen. More history on the Bavarian Illuminati and writings of its founder, Adam Weishaupt (ex-Jesuit), can be found at an excellent internet resource Freemason Watch. It is too big and complicated to put in a nutshell, so for those of you who are interested in learning even more about the Invisible Empire and how everything is connected, other good sources for information would be:

An exclusive interview with Svali, a previous Illuminati programmer/trainer explaining the origins of the cult, symbols and clues, level of infiltration, and methods of operation can be read at the following site:

Svali sheds light on how an area is controlled through its banks and financial institutions, local government, law, and of course the media. They have divided the U.S. into seven major regions, each with a regional council that the local councils report to. The National Councils comprised of influential bankers are also located in Europe, USSR, China, Mexico, and Canada. They report to the Supreme World Council that is set up as a prototype of the one that will rule in the NWO including the Rothschild, Hapsburg, and Rockefeller families. She also says that Adam Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati but was chosen as a figurehead and told what to write by the financiers, who were the ones who actually created the Illuminati and financed the early kings of Europe.

Illuminati Formula of Mind Control by Cisco Wheeler shows how mind control victims are systematically programmed through fear, torture, trauma, and drugs while "Creating An Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave" describes experiences as the child of a high-level Illuminist Wizard to provide deeper insights on the secret formula used to enslave not only individuals, but eventually entire populations; Fritz Springmeier has written The Satanic Bloodlines that reveals a lot of background information on the following family bloodlines: Astors, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Van Duyn, Merovingian, and the associated families of Disney, Krupps, and McDonald which can be accessed at [website no longer available]. David Meyer also possesses a lot of knowledge about these things and he had a vision in July 2001 on the Staten Island Ferry of the entire island of Manhattan engulfed in flames, which he published in his August 2001 newsletter one month before the fateful day that changed the world forever, Last Trumpet Ministries. He exposes illuminism and elaborates on the witchcraft mentality that has become so popular and other important observations of the news and he should know as he was once very deep into the occult before renouncing it. He is concerned about warning illuminized, terrorized, and bewildered people of things to come.

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