Page Suggestions: Freemasonry
The Kennedy Bloodline
Page 7
Joe had his daughter given a prefrontal lobotomy and then banished to a nursing convent. From then on his daughter Rosemary did not exist. One wonders what the full story was about Rosemary. Was she sexually abused as is done to so many of the elite’s daughters of Satanic families?
prefrontal lobotomy
Walter Freeman introduced the lobotomy into the U.S. with James W. Watts in 1936. The frontal lobotomy was a brutal method of mind control, that has been permitted to be done to us, under the disguise that it is of benefit to humanity. -Fritz Springmeier, The Freeman Bloodline-
Felix Frankfurter who played such a prominent role with Charles T. Russell was a good friend of Joe’s. JFK managed to hide from the public during his life the fact that he wore glasses, and also to some degree his intense back pain which hurt him intensely. On page 40 we learn that JFK was unable to ever have a self-revealing conversation. JFK had a total lack of ability to relate, everything was very surface in his relations with people. He was very skilled at picking up women, and getting them to bed. And he had many good friends. However, he didn’t have the ability to love or relate to others. This is another clue that he may have had some type of SRA abuse. On page 40, Reeves writes, ‘At the root of it were months of loneliness and their parents often selfish, insensitive behavior." But I wonder if it didn’t go deeper. From what I know from informers it goes deeper and involves SRA. JFK wasn’t even told of his brother Teddy’s birth, until he came home from boarding school and discovered he had another brother. JFK was very unsuccessful at most everything he did. His father had so much influence and power that he could get his son out of almost any difficulty. A friend of JFK’s recalled,
"With Jack, nobody really admired what he did or respected what he did but they liked his personality. When he flashed his smile, he could charm a bird off a tree."
At the age of 17, Jack went to Harlem to a brothel. Later, he nicknamed his sexual organ JJ." Meanwhile his father was the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. I might add here, that if you look closely you will find the Illuminati Kings are the advisers to the Presidents. I have mentioned some of these already, like in the article on the Bundy Illuminati family. Another example may be found in the book The Old Boys- The American Elite and The Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh. On page 41 of The Old Boys we learn that President Eisenhower’s Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. The most dangerous situation this country has ever been in was the threat of the Russian military, and who was the primary advisor to our President Eisenhower during his term as a U.S. President during the Cold War? Iliuminati King Nelson Rockefeller.
JFK went for one year to the London School of Economics according to the story given the public. Actually he went there for one month, didn’t do any academic work and came back home. But it is significant that his father tried to send him to a school in which so many of the elite have gone to. JFK had help in writing and putting out a book entitled Why England Slept. Henry Luce, who headed Time-Life and who was a good friend of Joe Kennedy gave the book good publicity in Time magazine, and his father bought between 30,000 to 40,000 of the books and stored them in the attic and basement of his Hyannis Port home in order to make Jack’s (JFK) book a best seller. When JFK went to California in 1940, one of the places he stayed at was with William Randolph Hearst, who is another Illuminati figure, at his coastal castle. Hearst would give help to Kennedy later on too. When Kennedy ran in politics, Heart’s Boston American wouldn’t even accept Kennedy’s opponent’s paid political advertisements. Joe Kennedy worked for the FBI after W.W.II. (p. 59) JFK’s favorite sister Kathleen, married William Harrington, who father was the tenth duke of Devonshire, a pillar of the Church of England (called the Episcopalian church in the US.) and a high ranking Freemason. After marrying him, she had an affair with aristocrat Peter Milton, Lord Fitzwilllam. After Joe, Jr. died, JFK’s father started grooming JFK to become President.
After Jack was elected to the House of Representatives, his three best congressional friends were Richard Russell, Spessard Holland, and Robert A. Taft. Notice that two of these are from well-known illuminati families, the Tafts and the Russells. By the way, the occult Tafts and occult Russell families have intermarried. Because there is so much disinformation out about the people who run this country, it must sometimes seem rather bizarre that people like me come along and say there is a satanic conspiracy of great magnitude.
If Americans were as a whole critical thinkers and would challenge the propaganda that the controlled media gives them, then the FALSE FRONTS and FALSE PUBLIC IMAGES of their leaders might not get written up so easily as history.
There are not many critical thinkers in this nation. There are a great many intelligent people, but not a great many critical thinkers. A conspiracy of great magnitude has had this nation in its grips since the nation was founded, and the controlled press has managed to prevent the general population from finding this conspiracy out. The Kennedy Family has played a role in that conspiracy. JFK gave his life to that conspiracy. The assassination of JFK is one of the best ways to introduce Americans to the conspiracy. Ralph Epperson who gives taiks/slideshows about the NWO to groups likes to use the Kennedy Assassination as a method to get people to realize that there is a NWO conspiracy. Interestingly, Ralph Epperson, had as a companion for a while without knowing it, an active Monarch slave who helped him give presentations. It is difficult for those exposing the NWO to get away from being infiltrated. The Monarch mind controlled slaves are very difficult to detect, especially since most people don’t even know that they exist.