Page updated 28 September 2018

Page Suggestions: people in the last days, spiritual warfare, the jezebel spirit, witchcraft in the church, witchcraft and the occult

30 Amazingly Consistent Traits of the Jezebel Spirit


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The only reason that I leave this page posted is so that people can be aware of how it appears Mr. Sampson has complained only to me since the very same list is available by others across the internet. Seeing how these characteristics written by Sampson have been posted all over the internet and no one else is being forced to remove them from their websites might I suspect that the two jezebels, Marty Layton and Matt Dentino, who attempted to murder and bury me were behind this threat? Perhaps, one favor in exchange for another with their word of faith witchcrafts attempting to have this jezebel information and even the entire website removed from the internet? Oh, yes, everyone should see this letter written to me.

I am sorry to all the people who come to this page and are desperately looking for answers about the jezebel spirit. I have no control over the writer's demands. This page is so heavily hit everyday. This is why I leave this message up for people to see the reason why it is no longer here.

My guess is that Steve Sampson's real problem is that he is apostate and a Trinity Broadcasting Network devotee who was maybe offended by my exposing TBN's dirty laundry so he complains to his publisher who sends me a nasty letter. Sharing a couple of pages out of his poor little book and giving him credit was not enough for him. He is out for the big bucks and I was squashing his PROSPERITY GOSPEL SHIP. Or perhaps, these jezebel men were entirely behind it. They have made many attempts to discredit me in a variety of ways. However, I would never ever purchase any of Sampson's books again. His integrity with me just went down the toilet.

Excuse me! Mr. Sampson, I feel very sorry for you. Money comes before God or giving people the truth. So long, Mr. Sampson and goodbye to sharing anything from you or promoting your book!


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Infringed Text: Confronting Jezebel by Steve Sampson

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing on behalf of Baker Book House Company, a book publisher located in Michigan. Baker Book House Company holds all publication rights for the book Confronting Jezebel by Steve Sampson. This text is copyright protected text and a significant portion is used without permission at the website address cited above.

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The Jezebel Spirit