Page Suggestions: Satanic Crimes

MPD and SRA: Ritual Abuse Victims and the Churches Role

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Well, enough on that. We need to reach out to the hurting and the rejected. JESUS was rejected and felt the pain of the same spirits operating in his day through those religious leaders. There is no money in helping these people. The "self-righteous/frozen chosen" may even leave a church who tries to help these people but if that is the concern of a pastor who does he REALLY serve? GOD... or Man and manna?

The bottom line is these people feel unloved and rejected by GOD's people (therefore rejected by GOD) and leave the church further abused and hurting. Many renounce GOD and commit suicide which is a "first class ticket to Hell." THE PASTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Teaching on MPD and SRA Victims

MPD is not a condition where a person is full of demons. YES, there are some demonic strongholds as MOST of us have BUT the personalities are NOT demons. It is the ISSUES OF THE HEART or dedicated entities that keep the doors open. For most fractures of a person, IT IS THE HIDDEN MEMORIES that keep each personality functioning and NECESSARY. Once each personality (or part of them) shares/releases the painful events/memories there is an INTEGRATION into the core personality.

See? Each part of them holds painful memories to PROTECT the core from having to deal with the GUILT and PAIN.

The 'alters' are often intentionally and demonically created through rituals and dedications done by man. So the child will NOT go to school and tell others of what happened to them. Hypnosis and mind control are the main tools used to call them up, USE THEM, and then tell them to ‘go down’ and the core person remembers nothing. The "captives" are "held" in this state by oaths, ceremonies and entities which can "switch" the personalities if they feel threatened. The generational curse prayers, ungodly oaths and dedication prayers, soul tie prayers and the others can be the "key" to starting to get the "captives free."

AMAZINGLY there are many who do not know they are MPD. They know they had "a nasty parent." They may remember some of the "sexual or physical abuses" but often they may not remember any of it. It is BURIED inside with one of the "alters" created inside them. These personalities all have different functions to be utilized by the abuser when they are needed. The abuser creates the alters so when "little Jenny" goes to school she won't tell of what daddy did last night. Or how someone held a knife in her hand and made her be part in a sacrifice. She won't remember how she got the bruise on her back. Little Jenny (the core) will remember NOTHING.

Many times I'll get contacted because of the "signs" of MPD in their lives. Lots of "lost time." They remember getting up and starting to fix a sandwich then the next thing they realize they are at the mall. They often have terrible headaches if much "switching" occurs. They don't remember going to the mall let alone where the car is parked. They loose hours some days. No idea what happened. People may come up and remind them of things they said or did but they have no recollection of it.

Teachers often ignore the signs in elementary school when a child draws LOTS of pictures and doodles of suffering, pain and monsters. They are trying to tell you something!

All MPD's have a complete "system" where each "alter" or personality" does a specific function. They "switch out" when either they are faced with a situation which calls for that "expertise" or when someone "triggers them" with "cult triggers." It's like post-hypnotic suggestion which calls out a specific alter for involvement in a specific sexual activity or ritual.

I've had some "hosts or core personalities" tell me that they are getting memories from when a "protector" came out and protected them from an attack by using a knife or a gun but they haven't yet got the whole memory and not sure of the end. It scares them. For all they know, they killed someone or some PART of them did. The protectors are very efficient at protecting the "system." They are no threat to most people but they will come out if the "host" decides to "trust" someone. They will ask you LOTS of questions and it will take them a while to trust you.

These protectors are not really nasty, just "untrusting" and rightfully so. They may even try to act irritated and push you away to see if you are serious about wanting to help them. THEY WILL TEST YOU!

The key to helping an MPD is DO NOT promise anything you will not carry out. That will destroy everything that could happen between you and could close the door for ministry. Be honest at all costs.

As James states in the book the abusers are in all places in authority. They want control and efficiently cover up everything that happens. DO NOT be SUPRISED if you hear that the relative or the abusers involved were state or city police, political officials or even CHURCH LEADERSHIP. Don't expect to look to law agencies for "support" when you find out specific details in local activities.

I recommend you do as I do. Just keep quiet and work with the person to help THEM! They are the one who needs the help at that point. GOD only expects you to help the ones HE brings your way. You can't save the world by yourself!

Don't start a battle against "spiritual wickness in high places and those who can destroy you, your business or your family. It will serve no purpose and it's not GOD's will for you to "go where angels fear to tread." You're no good to HIM dead.

You can SAFELY just minister to the hurting person in LOVE and talking them through the painful memories. As each alter "unloads" the memories for which it was created they will "integrate" into the "host" and become one. I recommend that a man only ministers to a man and only a woman ministers to a woman when "working through" memories. Doing prayers can be either sex but the memories are very graphic and the person going through it often is embarrased enough plus they often need held and allowed to "let it out."

Crying is a way to release pain and anguish. Then pray for GOD to fill those places with HIS glory, cleanse out the painful memory and seal the work done by the Holy Spirit.

Sometimes as the person gets healing they get "closer together" to where they can both hear and/or be aware of everything that happens or what's said. This is called "co-consciousness."

As they go through healing and alters trust you enough to come out you will meet "littles" which are the first ones created. These are usually 2 to 4 years old. They will talk like it too. That was when the rituals were used on them. They are VERY SWEET and so hungry for love. It is not unusual to see a full-gown adult MPD who occasionally lets the "little" out to play, to climb onto a swing or slides at the playground. They enjoy the tubes at McDonalds too!:-) Some alters will be FANTASTIC artistically in either painting or sculpture. Another will be a great poet. Each has their own feelings, beliefs, irritations and foods.

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