Page Suggestions: Satanic Crimes
MPD and SRA: Ritual Abuse Victims and the Churches Role
Page 4
They also are used to hearing voices from three sources: these are their own thoughts, the alters inside (sometimes MANY at one time talking), as well as the demonic tormenting them. After becoming a Christian and confessing JESUS as their only LORD they now have four voices inside. I've found there are usually one or two alters who CLEARLY hear the voice of the LORD!
These tell the people ministering what is happening or what GOD is warning them of.
IF an MPD or ritual abuse victim feels uncomfortable around someone even in your own church, maybe even in leadership, MAYBE they know something you don't! There are wolves in the church and they want to be in leadership and control the church.
Often they like to use money to move the church in the direction they desire. They will be the ones to scream the LOUDEST when the pastor talks about bringing in a deliverance ministry or the prophetic ministry. Keep the knowledge of someone being MPD to yourself and a VERY small number of people who will keep it quiet. They need love, not "judgment".
Well, you've had a small taste of the world that is "MPD" but know these people are very talented and VERY intelligent. When they finally find one of the FEW therapists who are REALLY Christian and who know how to work with them and they finish the process of total integration then they are amazing people! SOOOooo full of talent, knowledge and love!
Note: I will continue to search for additional copies of the books listed above. If ANYONE finds a few PLEASE contact meNot available! Will Curtis has not provided any current contact information with me. so I can get them to Pastors who are open to learn and NEED THEM! Thanks
Recommended CHRISTIAN References For Those Seeking Information:
(Note: Both of these books were printed once and then not reprinted. I have found them in looking through OLD books in Christian bookstores. I recently ran across many copies of the MORE THAN ONE so I will have a couple extras available.)
- UNCOVERING THE MYSTERY OF MPD: It's shocking origins and surprising cure. by James G. Friesen, Ph.D. (Professor at Fuller Graduate School Of Psychology and Graduate Degrees as a Licensed Minister), Here's Life Publishers, P.O. Box 1576, San Bernardino, Ca. 92402, Category: Counseling/Recovery/Psychology ISBN: 0-89840-322-7, 1st Printing: June 1991, Barcode On Book: 9-780898-403220 90000. Book also says you can write for information to:
Arrowhead Springs
San Bernardino, California 92414
- Uncovering the mystery of MPD: its shocking origins its surprising cure! (THIS IS THE BEST BOOK!) by Friesen, James G., Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers, Publication Date: 1991 ISBN:0-89840-322-7 0840743858
- More than survivors: conversations with multiple personality clients, by Friesen, James G., Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers Publication, Date: 1993 ISBN:0840745966,
- MORE THAN ONE- An Inside Look At Multiple Personality Disorder, by Terri A. Clark, M.D., Nelson Publishing 1992
Posted by permission.
Endnotes (c) These teachings and prayers are property of Broken Chains Ministries. None of this document can be used in publications (without written/notarized) permission or for profit. Intended for personal ministry use only. Churches/Ministries may use this material and prayers to minister in their own churches where there is no fee or cost for ministry or handouts. In that case please put this disclaimer on the copies of checklists or information to be printed.