Page Suggestions: Satanic Crimes
MPD and SRA: Ritual Abuse Victims and the Churches Role
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When GOD is allowed to be involved and a person knows how to ask GOD to do certain things then many of the DAILY problems can be smoothed out. The church has so much to learn. They have no IDEA of the authority in the spirit realm that is available and how far GOD will go to show those spiritually abused that HE is real and HE LOVES THEM!
Some MPD's have no amnesia of daily activities because the main personalities are so close together that they are each aware of what's happening before they come out.
LOOK FOR THE SWITCHING IN THE EYES! Sometimes it's also in the voice especially if a little comes out or one of a different sex! YES! Most every MPD has male and female alters. While they use the same vocal cords the tone in which they speak, the accent in which they speak, or the roughness of the voice will alert you.
Again much switching will lead to a headache in most of the MPD's I talk to. You can pray in a way to ask GOD to reduce the pressure and they will get release and GOD gets the praise. Don't PUSH GOD on them. Use HIS love to DRAW them to HIM. The love of GOD is in you. Let HIM use you!
Sometimes the people I work with have "body memories." This is where the body feels some past trauma.
As you move forward in this you will find out that Satan has "counterfeits" to everything GOD does including healing.
Satan allows his servants to do "demonic healing" where the bruises disappear. The demons can torment a person by letting them re-live the torment and the brusies can re-appear. They can be sitting there talking to you and bruises just appear. GOD can also heal that way. I have documented pictures of children/people where there was not any trauma that day and switch marks, whip marks, cigarette burns, pin holes appear. GOD reveals, then heals. Within 2-4 days the marks are healed and gone.
As the child grows older they use the mechanism of "disassociation" to bury the memories as well as current pains from the "host" alter. The easiest way to deal with a 'hurt' is to "forget it" or "bury it" where it can't hurt any more. Only it isn't forgotten. It's just given to the appropriate alter and buried. Someday it may come out in nightmares or other forms of memories.
Another KEY to look for in SRA victims is called "cutting." There are chat rooms on AOL for them. Most in there PROMOTE them to use a razor blade to lightly slice the stomach, arms, chest, sex organs, upper legs. The cuts are not usually very deep just enough where a little blood is "let." They all say the same thing that "It's to let out pain." They are told it lets the hurts out and they do it. In truth, it opens doors for more oppression, but they can't see it... at least not yet. This is not an attempt at suicide. (Though suicide is a COMMON PROGRAMMING that can become a problem as well. There will be alters trained to commit suicide.)
There will be alters trained to do occult rituals. I've seen MANY of them come to JESUS through patience and LOVE after long on-line ministry. Sadly, MANY MORE of them run after some "ignorant" Christian tells them they are just a demon and they try to do an exorcism online in an IM Box. This just makes them more bitter against GOD and lessens the chances of them trusting Christians or wanting to "be one."
All MPD ministry is like being on a roller coaster because that's how their emotions change. One minute high and the next minute wanting to die. This is because of demonic intervention as well as those past abusers who still use legal rights to torment them even from thousands of miles away. There is no distance in the spirit realm. THIS CAN BE BROKEN WITH THE PRAYERS IF THE MPD IS WILLING!
There are many levels of dissociation. Different levels of severity in each:
– There is MPD where the personalities are totally "fractured" and separate. Severe mental, physical, emotional and/or sexual trauma are evident, and the cause.
– There is Non-Amnesic Dissociators (NAD's). This means they lose no time in the day. When a certain alter begins a project it will not allow anyone else to come out until the project or activity is done.
– There is Traumatic Dissociators (TD's). These appear from traumatic physical or mental abuse. This is the one where it is possible that NO OCCULT involvement is responsible. The child may have dealt with a terrible accident or near death disease "dissociating" the event. They are not like the other personality disorders and the "system" usually operates quite well without therapy. There is usually only two to three personalities. Often there is not noticeable switching since they work together as a team to handle stress.
– There is Borderline Personalities(BP's). These children went through some trauma but did not TOTALLY dissociate, or FRACTURE, from them. They carry trace memories of the trauma and try to utilize weaker forms of defenses to deal with the pain as well as protect against any further trauma. It doesn't work well, and they live a pretty tormented life full of partial memories. All the research shows MPD's and BP's both come from EXACTLY the same type of traumatic abuse (ritual), not an accident or terrible disease/ sickness.
– There is Inter-mingled Symptoms- Where MPD, TD and NAD symptoms are evident. This is the hardest one to finally diagnose. ***BP's are the ones with the worst prognosis for 'total healing.' Because the dissociation is "partial" the fracturing is partial so the process is long and tedious.
With MPD, the fracturing is total and a much shorter course in therapy is required (though it is still a long process) to become "integrated" or "as one" again. MPD's do such a good job of dissociating that they maintain "healthy parts" which can be PRICELESS in therapy/ministry.
The drawback to someone who DOES totally dissociate (MPD) is they have so "perfected" this mechanism to deal with pain. It is their preferred way of coping. It's hard to get them to "wean" off of this "defense mechanism".
Often the therapist has the MPD do a "map" of the system. To see the ranking in authority and how they operate.
Some of the amazing abilities of those who come out of the occult ritual abuse is the ability to see into the spirit realm. They can occasionally "see" into the spirit realm through demonic assistance and GOD occasionally allows them to see into HIS realm to see angels. HE wants them to know GOD's kingdom is just as real as the kingdom of darkness.