Page updated 23 October 2016

Page Suggestions: Boycott TBN, False Prophets, False Prophet List, Matt Dentino, My story

False Prophet Marty Layton


Read the characteristics of a cult.

****My Public Statement (video)****

Page 4

July 11- Matt has blocked me...Please? What is going on? ...I just want to disappear... I am not coming to church... I can't take anymore of this.

July 20- I do not think that you want to talk to me either. No one does... Ever since you and Matt had your talk, he has not spoken another word to me. He does everything to avoid me...Now Matt wants to come to your services because he likes what he hears...Now I feel uncomfortable and pushed refusing me at ALL COSTS so I am staying out of his way the best I can.

Marty never replied to even one message I ever wrote. This was a CONTROL TACTIC!

jezebel is a master of control

4. Withholds information

This is a form of control. A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you don’t know in a situation. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you don’t have is a powerful weapon of control.

8. Ignores people

A classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with him. This tactic is frequently used by leaders when someone doesn’t agree with their plans, and they isolate the person by ignoring him. Some in these situations have been ignored for months, just because they chose not to be a puppet and say to every idea or whim. This puts the person out of the leader’s grace and forces him to either "come around" to the leader’s way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. One is not free to disagree with a controller.

-Steve Sampson, Confronting Jezebel-

Nine days later he made my painful thoughts come to pass by making a public display of me and putting me out of the service. During the moments of my arrest in front of TBN, these people seemed to have empty stares of looking into nothingness, just like Matt too had become as he moved from seat to seat. I have to wonder if any of these people even knew what was going on at all. Or was it a reality scene from the "Left Behind" movie when Kirk Cameron witnessed the antichrist shoot a committee member and no one saw the scene the way it really happened except for Kirk. Witchcraft is like this. It turns things around. Witches get people believing they are the poor, helpless victims of some terrible thing.

A black car fitting the description of Marty's Chrysler was seen parked in front of my home during very early morning hours a few times after my arrest in 2011. Now, why wasn't this illegal?

Lesson Learned

STAY AWAY FROM FALSE PROPHETS! Folks, I admit it was my mistake to ever allow myself to be pulled into the LIES of a false prophet. These people seek the simple minded, intellectually limited, gullible, spiritually weak, self-seeking souls to prey on (Romans 16:18Bible quoteFor they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.Romans 16 verse 18).

Every false prophet and the false doctrine they teach, all of it, is accompanied by demon is a FALSE ANOINTING, a FALSE HUMILITY... it is like a DRUG or a NARCOTIC that goes out to the people and if you don't know the Word of God and if you are not led by the Spirit and if you are not leaning upon the Holy Spirit to guard you and help it is like somebody injecting you with a drug and you will be sucked into it and you will be deceived.

-Donnie Swaggart, Excerpt from sermon 'Beware of False Prophets'

God was just beginning to show me this great falling away in the church (2 Thessalonians 2:3Bible quoteLet no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3) and the infiltration of witches into the church but like the majority of professing Christian people and church goers today I liked hearing good things coming my way. The problem with that? The good sounding garbage was NOT BIBLICAL! Please read What is prophecy according to the Bible.

I had to walk through hell before I realized what God was trying to show me. And when you get involved with these false prophets and accept false prophecies from them then you risk the possibility of demon spirits entering your life directing and disillusioning you further down a path of destruction.

At the time of my writing this article, Marty's church website never contained any kind of information as far as a church mission, or beliefs, or contact information. The only phone number he gave out was a phony. He only identified himself with the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Marty was misleading about where his money came from. Tracy never prayed with anyone when asked. Not at all the role of a preacher's wife. When she was asked to pray, she or Marty would say "Britney is better at it." Better at exactly what, I wonder, because I know it is not anything that my God is part of. Marty claims that his daughter, Britney, has been prophesying since she was three years old. Both Matt and Marty have moved around a lot. Wonder why? There are many question marks here.

Then said the prophet Jeremiah unto Hananiah the prophet, Hear now, Hananiah; The LORD hath not sent thee; but thou makest this people to trust in a lie. Jeremiah 28:15

... When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart...Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin... continue reading Proverbs 26:24-28

My hats off to you for being the first to have the guts to expose this man, Marty Layton. A lot of people have experienced this from that ministry ...a lot of people are afraid to expose it because of looking bad in the Christian community. -crazydrummaman11- Read more of what people are saying about TBN

TBN Rewards Marty for his Wicked Deeds

TBN now allows this man to host the local WPGD-TV 50 TBN "Praise the Lord" programming. No surprise at all since TBN has become illuminati owned. Reward these self-proclaimed preachers and false prophets and MASTER DECEIVERS by placing them in front of the camera's to spread their poisonous lies and show off this pride of Satan inside of them.

So, Mr. John Casoria and Russell Hall... Marty Layton can't kick people out of his service, or off the property or have them arrested without any cause? Is this a fact? WHO gives the orders at TBN? Obviously neither one of you ever did. (Read more Tuesday, August 9th, 2011.)

This is a very clever deception by TBN, but as Romans 16:18Bible quoteFor they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.Romans 16 verse 18 says these men are deceiving people "by good words and fair speeches" deceiving the SIMPLE who were never really true Christians anyway. Deceiving people who have 'A SPIRIT' but not the Holy Spirit. Deceiving people because of their ignorance of the Word of God and the lack of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

These words from Donnie Swaggart describe my experience of meeting Marty.

Every false prophet and the false doctrine they teach, all of it, is accompanied by demon is a FALSE ANOINTING, a FALSE HUMILITY... it is like a DRUG or a NARCOTIC that goes out to the people and if you don't know the Word of God and if you are not led by the Spirit and if you are not leaning upon the Holy Spirit to guard you and help it is like somebody injecting you with a drug and you will be sucked into it and you will be deceived.

They hold up the Bible. They say religious things but what they say will not bring edification into the heart of the believer but instead it is a snare that will envelop them and snare them and pull them away from the true Messiah until they are following a false messiah.

But He [Jesus] said beware of false prophets which come to you in sheeps clothing, denoting their false humility, their gentle ways, their pleasing tones, their uplifting presentation. All designed to deceive the hearer....DECEPTION is subtle. It's never 'overt,' it's 'covert.' It's hidden. It makes you think one thing when the reality is it's saying something else altogether. Their exterior presents a false presentation which leads to the inward of who they really are. Jesus said "beware of false prophets which come to you in sheeps clothing but INWARDLY they are ravening wolves." The word 'ravening' speaks of VIOLENCE and GREED.

...Jesus is saying if you swallow their lies the end result is always DESTRUCTION. You are never left neutral when you follow false teaching but it will lead you down a VIOLENT PATH...their lies will destroy you and steal your money...There is not single false prophet that is poor... -Donnie Swaggart, Listen to entire sermon Beware of False Prophets-

I strongly recommend reading How Do People Make Their Minds Vulnerable to Satanic Control?

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