Page updated 26 Nov 2015

Page Suggestions: Boycott Trinity Broadcasting Network, Emails, My story

Timeline of events

****My Public Statement (video)****

Page 3

I had written an email to him about my feelings of rejection and abandonment in my life and how I felt that was what Matt was doing to me and so this is what he was responding to. I waited day after day for a response from Marty but never received one. Days went by until over three weeks went by and there was no response. Every time I would see him anywhere he would avoid me. This was a CONTROL TACTIC

jezebels control tactics

4. Withholds information - This is a form of control. A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you don’t know in a situation. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you don’t have is a powerful weapon of control.

8. Ignores people - A classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with him. This tactic is frequently used by leaders when someone doesn’t agree with their plans, and they isolate the person by ignoring him. Some in these situations have been ignored for months, just because they chose not to be a puppet and say to every idea or whim. This puts the person out of the leader’s grace and forces him to either "come around" to the leader’s way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. One is not free to disagree with a controller. -Steve Sampson, Confronting Jezebel-

"Pray a different way," Marty said. Sounds like "manipulation" and witchcraft to me now. Why didn't I see this at the time it was happening? Well, I believe that I was being drawn into witchcraft.

Manipulation: The Heart of Witchcraft

As much as some witches would like to claim the ethics of never violating another person's free will, that is exactly what witchcraft does. It forces, or attempts to force another person to do what he or she would not do otherwise.

Likewise, that is what manipulation does.

Manipulation uses the needs of others as leverage for one's own agenda. It may even pretend to be kind and good, helpful and trustworthy while gaining the upper hand for ulterior motives.

Jezebel is often referenced as a witch (2 Kings 9:22). In 1 Kings 21, she tricked Naboth by setting him on high among the people in order to obtain his property for her husband. Just as she manipulated her community, so witches manipulate the spirit realm in order to obtain their desires.

I've heard it said that manipulation is like a dog that's licking your face while urinating on your shoes. I can tell you this: every person who ever spiritually deceived me flattered me in the process.

A manipulator has to be the one who makes all the rules, and is only concerned with how he or she benefits from them. Never mind the risk or cost to another. -Pennie DeWitt, Manipulation: The Heart of Witchcraft,

When I walked out of the bistro I discovered that I was being watched. Matt’s friend Mark was in the bistro talking on his cell phone the entire time we were all in there socializing which was approximately two hours. As I was walking to my car I discovered Matt sitting in his car parked under a tree beside the information center (Psalm 10:8Bible quoteHe sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor.Psalm 10 verse 8, Psalm 17:12Bible quoteLike as a lion [that] is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.Psalm 17 verse 12). He appeared to be there waiting for me to come out and leave. I felt that he and Mark had been chatting on the phone about my every move. After Matt saw me walk to my car then he took off to the bistro. He was not there long and then drove by me with a friend in the car with him, honked, waved and yelled "Hi." He behaved like a teenage schoolboy and he embarrassed me.

A friend told me that Matt had come to the morning service on this day and that he sat in my seat. I thought this was strange since he attended regularly at the church across the street from TBN where he taught Sunday school class and played in the band.

~Matt attended Marty's service which was held in the conference room. According to a friend, Matt sat in the seat closest to the door and he appeared to be looking for me the entire evening but I never showed up. At the time I thought that maybe Matt was ready to stop the silent treatment but looking back on all this now I believe that he and Marty actually had a plan to have me arrested this night which failed since I never arrived. Marty prophesied to Matt again yelling at him this time to let go of all the shame and guilt he was feeling (which I believe was in reference to me), to let go of his past and Marty commanded a jezebel spirit to come off of him. (This prophecy was taped.)

~I had to work again and so after work I again came to the bistro. When I walked in Tracy Layton was seated at the first table and spoke to me so I sat down with her. Marty was seated at a table in the back facing me and talking with some man I did not know. Marty smiled and waved at me. I asked Tracy if he might have time to talk to me before they left and she said "I think so" but he never did. Tracy told me that I should have been at the Friday evening service because it was so good. She said "Your friend was there" referring to Matt. I said that I heard that and that I deliberately did not go because of him. Again Marty left and never spoke to me. Marty even waved at me while driving off.

At this point I felt strongly that I was being deliberately avoided. I kept telling a few people who I thought were friends that something was not kosher here because why was I being avoided? They all kept making excuses for Marty and for the prophecy not coming to pass but I strongly felt that something was terribly wrong. I was getting closer to realizing that there was witchcraft and demonic intervention.

~There was an event going on in the main auditorium. I went and before going in to the auditorium I took a walk outside and I asked God that if it be His will to bring Matt over because I missed him and could not understand why he was avoiding me. Then I walked into the auditorium and sat down in the lobby because the auditorium was packed and I did not like balconies. Shortly after a young girl approached me and said "Do you want me to pray for you? God is really nudging me to pray with you." So I said "Okay." She prayed for me and it was so right on to what was going on with me so then I explained to her about this prophecy and why I was feeling so depressed. It was about 20 minutes after walking in and sitting down that Matt came walking in and walked right by me. He said "Hi" and walked on into the main auditorium. He was not there very long before he walked out and went through the side exit door. I don’t know why he left or if something personal came up and he had to go.

~I decided to stop playing his game and I emailed Matt to ask him what was going on. I asked him why it was that ever since he and Marty had a private talk about me that he had not spoken to me and that Marty appeared to be avoiding me too. Matt replied to me that he refused to have anymore contact with me and he made numerous false accusations against me including having accused me of asking him three times in person and then in an email about his conversation with Marty. He called me a liar when I said that was not true. It is impossible for the events he claims to have occurred when we had no face-to-face contact since June 24th after the Friday evening service. The fact that he insisted these occasions occurred seriously creeped me out because he must have had supernatural experiences. He accused me of being a liar and using witchcraft on him. He called me evil. I felt that the things he accused me of he was the one who was guilty of them. I never wanted this strife and division between us. I tried and tried to be what he wanted but instead of accepting what he asked for from me these feelings of hatred towards me grew deeper the longer he was around Marty. It seemed like Marty was turning Matt against me. Our last conversation.

Apparently during their private conversation Marty told Matt something totally different than he told me which again was false prophecy. Matt refused to tell me anything about it but stated that Marty "was extremely fair…and sound" (Proverbs 26:24-28Bible quote(verse 24) He that hateth dissembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him;

(verse 25) When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for [there are] seven abominations in his heart.

(verse 26) [Whose] hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the [whole] congregation.

(verse 27) Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him.

(verse 28) A lying tongue hateth [those that are] afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.Proverbs 26 verses 24-28
). Marty built me up and strung me along. I felt like he used me to get to Matt.

Since the beginning of April I had begun walking almost daily on the grounds at TBN. I lived five minutes away and I liked it there. It was peaceful, few people, few cars. I liked having the clean facilities available to use. I would go into the gift shop and talk to the ladies I know there. Many times I went into the bistro to get something to drink and cool off. I had no idea that Matt even noticed me walking over at TBN or that it bothered him so much until his last email to me demanding that I walk somewhere else then I felt like he had been stalking me all this time. He seemed to be so angry over it that I believe he moved out of the church within the next 24 hours in order to get away from seeing me which was even more painful.

I began telling some employee’s at TBN that I was not going back to Marty’s services because he was avoiding me for some reason and would not speak to me, and that the prophecy he gave to me never came to pass. A few friends told me I should not allow Matt to be dictating to me about where I can and cannot go. One friend said I should go and listen carefully to the message so I can see what it is that is causing Matt to behave the way he is because after she read the things Matt wrote to me she said,

"He has been brainwashed. He’s not the same person you met six months ago. He’s under some kind of influence."

Was this "hypnosis? If you had a friend or so you believed they were a friend ...this person spent time with your family, ate with you and prayed with you and then suddenly one day wanted nothing to do with you and they were making all sorts of wild, crazy false accusations against you would YOU not go to that person and try to discuss what was going on? Who knew that Matt Dentino had a secret sinister personality and was capable of going to such wild extremes to hurt a person.

Hypnosis Comes Of Age

People are using hypnosis for everything, including to manipulate people and relationships.

I performed it by saying to the hypnotized Captain: "Until further orders from me, only Colonel Brown and I can hypnotize you. We will use a signal phrase 'the moon is clear.' Whenever you hear this phrase from Brown or myself you will pass instantly into deep hypnosis."

...they learned to apply post-hypnotic suggestion to... SPLIT certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes. -G. H. Estabrooks, PH.D., Hypnosis Comes Of Age-

Read more about the dangers of hypnosis and how hypnosis affects changes in behavior.

During the two weeks prior to July 29th, I began to notice Marty hanging around TBN during the day some while I was walking and a couple of times I noticed Matt driving through. I never thought much of it at the time because what could be strange about that? But I later realized I was being watched and stalked.

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