Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Fallen Angels, Sleep Paralysis, Spiritual Warfare
Strangers Beneath the Earth
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As an outsider thrust into the Presidency by FDR's death, his aides are reluctant to talk.
Truman: "We still have Byrd in uniform?"
(The aides roll their eyes.)
Truman: "I want another expedition and I want everything that is found put on my desk right, here. Have Byrd do it."
Admiral Byrd in a C-47 (Navy designation: R4D) with skis goes to the South Pole again where he spots strange objects.
"I'm seeing silvery objects flying from the center. My God! They have swastika-type insignia on them!"
He is forced to make a landing in this undiscovered land.
On March 5, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas" which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee van Atta:
"Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. [Earlier he had recommended defense bases at the North Pole.] Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service."
When Byrd returned to the States, he was hospitalized and was not allowed to hold any more press conferences. In March 1955, he was placed in charge of Operation Deepfreeze which was part of the International Geophysical Year [1957-1958] exploration of the Antarctic.
Byrd is sent one last time to the South Pole in 1956, where he finds again mysterious openings in the earth.
The cabal meets in Washington D.C.
"We cannot keep a lid on Byrd or Forrestal."
"Loose lips, sink ships."
"You know what to do."
1957 - National Geographic Society
Admiral Byrd, now old, agrees to speak at the upcoming meeting.
Director: "Yes, he's quite a character."
He is the one assigned to watch Byrd like a hawk.
He makes a phone call.
"I think he's getting ready to talk."
Byrd runs to a drugstore to buy some cough drops. He gives the cashier girl a 20 dollar bill and a closed envelope. A man of routines and discipline, this is the first time he has gone to this store, catching his watchers temporarily offguard.
He looks into her eyes. He smiles.
"Please. I'm dying. That is a present for you. Don't look down. Please mail it. We are being watched."
As Byrd walks out of the drugstore 3 men in business suits grab him and throw him into a car and speed away. He is tortured for hours and not given food or water.
Days later after he fails to appear at the National Geographic Society meeting, he is found dead in a warehouse at age 69. Medal of Honor winner and National hero, now dead from dehydration and malnutrition.
Scenes of the letter arriving at David Palmer's home.....opening it he rushes to his typewriter. Admiral Byrd's funeral, full military honors. Manuscript goes to print in Flying Saucer Magazine.
"Strangers within the Earth"
Copies sell out instantly creating a stir. Federal agents raid Palmer's home, trash and torch it. Palmer dies in a car "accident." Agents recover every magazine, buying them . . . except a few.
James Jennings at his computer reading a web page on the lost magazine writings revealed in a 1964 book, The Hollow Earth by Dr. Richard Bernard describing some of the previous events.
"My God."
He contacts the web page's author by email.
I wonder what was in Admiral Byrd's diary?
National Security Agency Headquarters, Fort Meade, Maryland
A light goes off indicating someone has gone to the web site of the forbidden book.
A supervisor orders the computer screen operator to do a full background check on . . .
James L. Jennings
Owner, Jennings's Industries
Pilot, adventurer, inventor
U.S. Army Special Forces Captain in National Guard
Airborne, EIB, SF, Ranger Tabs
1115 Gavin Circle
Falls Church, Va 22134
(703) 555-3454