Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Fallen Angels, Sleep Paralysis, Spiritual Warfare

They are INTRA-Terrestrials (ITs) not extra-terrestrials ETs

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We shouldn't sit back and relax until EVERYONE is safe under the umbrella of Jesus Christ and part of our family. Perhaps a love of the truth and God that manifests itself towards our fellow man would insure that when we come to the impending "gunfight" that our weapons are loaded. Lets find out. Lets use that "scientific method" that everyone is so rave on. Will the aliens mess with a group of Bible-believers who are praying, fasting and "online" through the Holy Spirit with the Lord Jesus Christ? If it works, don't knock it. It's the only thing that does work. Its time that we Christians stop being so selfish and start praying and protecting our communities from demonic attack which takes place primarily at night while people sleep. This community is every human being in their town, village, city, not just the high-falutin "saved" people that attend church regularly. Real Christians are warriors that defend the weak, stand up for the human race not their private "holier-than-thou" clique. To paraphrase Martin Luther, "He that is fighting anywhere other than where the fighting is the hottest is a coward and a shirker."

I'm sorry, but there is only one reality that we all live in. I wish that we could all "eat, drink and be merry" without any regard to future judgment, but that is not the reality we live in. We live in a backdrop where good and evil are fighting for the destiny of the human race. We can no longer continue as if we are here alone and what we do has no importance. Our world has shrunk and we are all inter-connected in real time. The age of "grace" where we could learn and come to God easily is evaporating. Soon only hard, clear-cut choices will be available. Either you "buy into" the world system where food and comforts will be given if you worship the dominating evil or you stand by God and suffer the consequences of persecution by the people around us who would rather have the immediate comfort. We have to "face the music" and reality. If you have better ideas to account for and ward off these threatening forces/beings, please come forward, if not give Judaeo-Christianity a chance. If you're in our government and about to surrender, consider the final option. If physical weapons have no effect, why not the Sword of the Spirit...the Word of God...what have we got to lose? Even if you are not a Christian you will get a response. That ought to tell you something. If the Bible is just "superstition," then why the fear? They are afraid of the Book. We must become people of the Book. The showdown is coming. As that day approaches, we must get ready.


The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1


1st Lt. Mike S. is a U.S. Army Reserve Airborne veteran, and a former enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer in the USMC. He is a military writer, analyst and equipment inventor. He is also a graduate of Liberty University.

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