Page Suggestions: Bible Facts, Fallen Angels, Sleep Paralysis, Spiritual Warfare

They are INTRA-Terrestrials (ITs) not extra-terrestrials ETs

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Real Christians fight real evil in the real world, not sit back and reap the benefits as the world eats up and spits out people as yesterday's garbage.

This isn't about where we go to church. This is about who rules the universe, is there a God or is there not a God? Are there aliens who can push people around or are they demons masquerading as aliens? Its "High Noon" here on planet earth, and its time to put up or shut up.

I say that these so-called "aliens" are DEMONS. In ages past they were "elves," "leprechauns," "gremlins," "spirits," whatever the technological age the humans at the time would accept.

Today, modern man will accept nothing less than a "high-tech" visitor from another planet more advanced than his own civilization. I'm not trying to get you to join my church or anyone else's church. I'm trying to save your life before you make the mistake of surrendering to a one-world government rule in a desperate attempt to ward off the so-called "new" outside enemy or have you "write-off" God forever because we can get eternal life from the wishful medical advances the aliens can give us...etc. etc. God himself warned us specifically that we would have phony visitors coming- especially around the time of Israel's rebirth; 1948....the "fig tree" reborn in Matthew 24....this is about the same time we have had the wave of "flying saucer" sightings begin. That ought to tell you something!


One manifestation of evil.

Before you categorize this as yet another "trite," convenient, smug so-called Christian write-off; let me state clearly:

1. UFOs and manifested biological entities are satanic DEMONS, and cleverly created illusions----facsimiles, not legitimate alternative temporal created beings and spaceships from a far-away planet; they are Intra-Terrestrials (ITs) not ETs. They live here on the earth NOW, not millions of light years away in another galaxy. Sorry to "rain on your parade," but the time has come to wake up for this is not child's play. This is for keeps, and REAL PEOPLE get hurt and KILLED in this struggle. The UFO-ET phenomena emanates from the earth itself.

2. These beings are supernatural, operate in the 4th dimension so they can appear to do the "impossible" in our own dimension. Hey they have been here since the dawn of it REALLY that remarkable that they know all the details of the past or the present? Not really.

3. Their motive is to deceive, slander, discredit and destroy the human race in the faint hope of gaining excuse for their leader, Satan... from God's impending judgment. They hate humans...and they HATE YOU. No cuddly E.T.s here.

4. The UFO phenomena in its entirety shows a constant thread of ill-will towards man, the Pentagon has ALWAYS KNOWN THIS. This is why there is a "cover-up" and why they have worked their "tails off" to fight the ETs in their own materialistic way. I'd say they are the real long-suffering heroes in the mess, having to put up with public pressures while having to play the role of the "bad guy" deceiver.

5. The only viable defense against these beings is to be allied with God by accepting the blood sacrifice of his son, the REAL Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross while in the form of a human being in our place in actual earth time history over 2000 years ago. The best weapon is the supernatural power of God, not material devices.

If the beings are ETs they will welcome such a statement, if they are ITs (Demons) then they will go beserk. There is a possible acid-test to use.

Examine the enclosed UFO Decision Chart to see the logical conclusions that must be drawn about this phenomena.

NOT our friends

NOT our friends.

"The similarity between the abduction experience and demonic possession is very, very close," says Joe Jordan, Brevard/Volusia state [section] director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). "These experiences these people are having are real. It does exist. But you just need to understand what's doing it." Details...

Jordan and Wes Clark, have a research group called CE-4 (Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind), dedicated to studying alleged alien abductions. Clark, a quality control engineer at Kennedy Space Center. Jordan, who works in product development and engineering for Sea Ray Boats, speaks calmly,

This whole thing is spiritual warfare. And the method the enemy's using is deception. Strong deception."

They have three verifiable abduction experience cases halted by believers who called on the name of Jesus. Jordan says as many as 400 cases may be documentable nationwide.

"If these beings are extraterrestrial at all, why would they respond to that name?" Jordan asks. "We think we found the answer in the Bible, in Mark 16:17Bible quoteAnd these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.Mark 16 verse 17 where Jesus said, 'In my name, they shall cast out demons.' That seems to be exactly what we came across." ...........Contact CE-4

I call on every serious UFO researcher to look through their files for evidence that evangelical, Bible-Believing Christians have been or are being terrorized by so-called UFOs/ETs. I challenge the forces of evil masquerading as E.T.s to show themselves at our King James Bible-believing churches and let us truly see who rules the heavens, Jehovah our God or the bastards with the black eyes? If our God fails to protect us, either he has chosen us for defeat or he is dead. It's time that Christians stop hiding and start FIGHTING the battles around them with their faith and power of the Holy Spirit living inside them. If we bring blank ammo to a gunfight then let us lose. We'd be a bunch of phonies and deserve it. Its time that we start leading the way and warding off the evil "New Age" culture instead of ignoring it to protect our "reputations" and "respectability." The popularity of shows as "X-Files" and more ominous the numbers of people coming forward with evidence of demonic attack leaves us without excuse. People are "out there" all alone looking for ANSWERS and PROTECTION and were giving them nothing. We are allowing them to get pushed around, tortured and killed by the forces of evil while we drive around respectable in family-sized sedans. Taking care of the family and family values have become nothing more than code-words to justify the same middle-class materialism that we denounce the so-called unsaved people for.

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