Page updated 04 Dec 2015
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What is going on at TBN
Granddaughter Brittany Crouch Koper Speaks Out
Koper was in ministry at the network in 2011, but now she has photos online of herself dancing on a pole and her dad Minister Paul Jr. commented saying "is that a dude," instead of ministering to her. It is not a joke what his daughter is doing... His son participates in demonic Halloween festivities, and Brandon Crouch’s wife does hindu holy yoga and he’s the starter of TBN’s JCTV... -Granddaughter Expose Dissemblance and Corruption of TBN and herself-
Listen to these audio interviews
- Jackie Alnor's interview with Brittany Koper from Saturday, June 9, 2012 (MP3 Audio File)
- Said Radio has Interview with Jackie Alnor

"People have been conned by my grandparents," Ms. Koper said. -Family Battle Offers Look Inside Lavish TV Ministry-
Read news articles about how you are being lied to, about the financial fraud, homosexual relationships, booze, drugs, parties and extravagant spending, and so forth. The stories that Brittany Crouch Koper has exposed about her own family should speak for itself how twisted TBN has become. After listening to Brittany's testimony and reading many news articles over the last few years one could conclude that while Jan Crouch lived a separate adulterous life in Florida with a married lover, Paul Crouch frequently held homosexual booze drinking parties in his home for which many well known preachers, televangelists and professing Christian musicians attended. Could it be that Steve Galiher's drunken escapade occurred upon leaving one of these parties? I have made an effort to write everything on this website with documented support. However, the trouble with TBN is that it appears that people are being paid hush money, threatened or intimidated in some way to remove information from the internet and be silenced.
One judge didn’t buy TBN’s arguments. David O. Carter, a judge in the U.S. District Court in the Central District of California, on July 25 issued several rulings—some related to the documents—that mostly favored the Kopers. Judge Carter concluded: "Trinity’s several lawsuits, incessant demands for injunctive relief, and insistence on expedited rulings suggest that Plaintiff Trinity’s strategy is to overwhelm the courts as well as Michael and Brittany so as to avoid a rational decision on the merits. Thus, Plaintiff Trinity’s litigation strategy only lends credence to Michael and Brittany’s contention that these lawsuits are retaliation for whistleblowing about Plaintiff Trinity’s extensive fraud." -TBN lawsuit: Sex, Lies and Television-
"Brittany has done the right thing. It's admirable that someone on the inside of TBN has come forward and is revealing to the world exactly what is going on behind those closed doors," MacLeod said. "No good deed goes unpunished at TBN." -Attorney Tymothy MacLeod, Suit alleges financial fraud at TBN ministry-
"No good deed goes unpunished at TBN." Don't I ever know it since I have been shunned from society and slandered with lies. In May 2012 TBN obtained a court order for the Orange County Register to shut up! Looks like admittance of guilt from TBN, I'd say. For a year or more Matt Crouch was busy housecleaning. Anyone who defended Brittany or exposed the dark secrets inside of TBN was axed. I believe the following comments explain why the lawsuit against Brittany went to arbitration in July 2013 and also why everything and everyone at that point went SILENT!
TBN sent us further word that they will continue to execute hostages at TBN, so to speak, until Ms. Koper agrees to keep quiet about what she learned as TBN’s chief financial officer and corporate treasurer. We are told that the next employee to be fired at TBN, unless Ms. Koper abandons her allegations against TBN, is Ms. Koper’s mother. Time will tell, because Ms. Koper will not be intimidated by such ultimatums, any more than she has been dissuaded from doing the right thing by armed thugs or by Matthew Crouch’s threats. -Koper’s lawyer responds to TBN’s response-
A text message from Brittany's dad, Paul Crouch Jr., from March 2012 says:
"Johnny (Casoria, the TBN attorney) told me that TBN would drop everything if you’ll fire your attorney. Just say'n." (Read more at Relatives threatened to 'destroy' Crouch granddaughter.)
Months later that is just what Brittany did, but she hired another attorney.
What happened to the TBN lawsuit? Read more
- TBN Lawsuits Going to Arbitration
- Read more articles from our archives
It appears that the TBN lawsuit scandal in 2011 was just a noisy scheme for Michael and Brittany to get money. Read more
Maybe Michael and Brittany Koper just made fools out of me, Ole Anthony and her attorney's and others who spoke up in her defense while she used us as a noisy smoke screen just to pilfer more money out of TBN? Read Disgruntled Family Members Want Hush Money. Possibly many people received a kickback. This completely explains why former defenders have changed positions and gone silent. Either way, a whole lot of truth is out about Trinity Broadcasting, and anyone who continues to support TBN has loose wires in their head! The world should be outraged that they have been defrauded and deceived for 40 years. These preachers make a living at lying and scheming to get what they want. They use YOUR MONEY to buy people's silence. They make money from gullible gift givers and other sources 'legitimate or not legitmate.'
Mainstream preachers who were once trusted sources are now twisting and diverting the Word of God teaching a one world religion of 'all roads lead to God' in order to bring all religious faiths together diminishing the true gospel message (read 'OPERATION CABLESPLICE'). This is the the great apostasy, the falling away from the faith spoken of in
2 Thessalonians 2:3Let no one deceive you by any means; for [that Day will not come] unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3.